The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 5

1Call now and see if there is anyone who answers you.

And to which of the holy ones will you turn?

2For wrath kills the foolish man,

And jealousy causes the simple-minded man to die.

3I have seen the foolish taking root,

But I suddenly realized how his home would be.

4His sons are far from salvation

And are crushed at the gate,

And there is no-one to deliver them,

5Whose harvest the hungry will eat,

Which they will take from among the thorns,

As destruction swallows up their wealth.

6Although sorrow does not come out of the soil,

And wretchedness does not sprout from the ground,

7Yet man is born to face toil,

As surely as sparks fly upward.

8But I would seek God,

And with God I would set out my case.

9He performs great deeds

Of which there is no searching out

– Wonders of which there is no limit.

10He provides rain on the surface of the earth,

And he sends water onto the surface of the open places.

11He sets the lowly on high,

So that those who mourn are exalted in salvation,

12Frustrating the thoughts of the crafty,

So that their hands cannot perform with competence,

13Taking the wise in their own cunning,

So that the counsel of the deceitful is forestalled.

14By day they meet with darkness,

And as at night, so they grope at noon.

15But he saves the poor from the sword

– From their blade –

And from the hand of the strong,

16So that the lowly have hope,

And injustice shuts its mouth.

17Behold, blessed is the man whom God reproves,

So do not reject the correction of the Almighty,

18For he causes pain,

But he binds up again;

He bruises,

But his hands heal again.

19He will deliver you from six adversities,

And in seven no harm will touch you.

20In famine he will save you from death,

And in war, from the power of the sword.

21You will be hidden from the scourge of slander,

And you will not fear devastation

If it comes.

22You will laugh at devastation and starvation,

And you will not be afraid of the beasts of the earth.

23For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field,

And the wild beasts will be at peace with you.

24And you will know that your tent is at peace,

And when you check your tent,

You will not miss anything.

25And you will know that your seed is many,

And your offspring is as the grass of the earth.

26You will go to the grave in ripe old age,

Like the gathering in of a stack of corn in its season.

27Behold this account;

We have searched it out

– It is so.

Hear it and know it,

For your own sake.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 5: v.13 ↔ 1 Corinthians 3:19.
