The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 10

1My being is weary of my life.

I will consign my complaint to myself.

I will speak in the bitterness of my feelings.

2I will say to God,

‘Do not condemn me.

Tell me what you are contending with me about.

3Is it good in your sight that you should oppress?

– That you should reject the work of your hands?

– And that you should shine on the counsel of the wicked?

4Have you got eyes of flesh?

Do you see as man sees?

5Are your days like the days of mankind?

Are your years like the days of a man,

6When you seek my iniquity

And search for my sin?

7You know that I do not act wickedly,

But there is no-one to deliver me out of your hand.

8Your hands took pains to fashion me,

Yet all around, you swallow me up.

9Remember, I pray, that you fashioned me as with clay,

And that you will return me to the dust.

10Did you not pour me out like milk

And solidify me like cheese?

11You clothed me in skin and flesh

And wove me together with bones and sinews.

12You have granted me life and shown me kindness,

And your watchfulness has guarded my spirit,

13Yet you have hidden these things in your heart.

I know that this was your intention.

14If I were to sin,

You would observe me,

And you would not acquit me from my iniquity.

15If I have acted wickedly,

Woe is me.

If I have been righteous,

I will not lift my head.

I am full of ingloriousness;

Just look at my affliction.

16For it is increasing;

You hunt me like a fierce lion

And again use wondrous powers against me.

17You renew your testimonies against me

And increase your anger with me.

And a succession of forces is against me.

18And why did you bring me out of the womb?

I could have expired,

And no eye would have seen me.

19I would be as though I had not existed;

I would have been led from the womb to the grave.’

20Are not my days few?

If only he would desist and turn away from me,

Then I would be a little more cheerful

21Before I go (and do not return)

To the land of darkness and the shadow of death

22– A land of weariness like deep darkness,

And of the shadow of death,

Where no order reigns,

And where it shines deep darkness.”
