The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 11

1Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said,

2“Shall a profusion of words not be answered?

And is a loquacious man necessarily right?

3Will your lies silence men?

Or will you mock,

With no-one putting you to shame?

4For you have said,

‘My doctrine is pure’,

And, ‘I have been clean in your eyes.’

5But if only God would speak

And open his lips with you

6And tell you the secrets of wisdom,

For they double the value of insight.

And know that God exacts retribution for your iniquity.

7Can you find God with an investigation?

Or can you find the Almighty with complete knowledge?

8What can you undertake concerning the heights of heaven?

What can you know about what is deeper than the underworld?

9Its dimensions are longer than the earth

And wider than the sea.

10If he passes by,

And confines and gathers people up,

Who can make him withdraw it?

11For he knows who the vain men are,

And he sees their wickedness

Although he does not appear attentive.

12But a witless man can become wise,

For a man is born like a wild ass.

13If you prepare your heart,

Then you can stretch out your hands to him.

14If there is vanity in your hands,

Remove it,

And do not let iniquity dwell in your tents.

15For then you will be able to hold your head high spotlessly,

And you will be steadfast,

And you will not need to fear.

16For then you will forget your sorrow

And remember it as you do water that passes by.

17A time will come brighter than noon.

You will soar;

You will be like the morning.

18You will trust,

For you will have hope,

And you will search matters out

And rest with confidence.

19And you will lie down

With nothing to cause alarm,

And many will seek your favour.

20But the eyes of the wicked will fail,

And flight will not be available to them,

And their hope will be as a puff of breath.”
