The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 15

1Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,

2“Does a wise man answer with knowledge which is nothing but hot air?

– Or does he fill his belly with the east wind?

3Does one argue with a word that is of no avail?

– Or with speeches in which there is no benefit?

4But you would even nullify fear

And minimize the dignity of colloquy with God.

5For your mouth spells out your iniquity,

And you choose crafty language.

6Your mouth condemns you

– Not I;

And your lips testify against you.

7Are you the first man to be born?

Were you brought forth before the hills?

8Have you heard the secret counsel of God?

Do you reserve wisdom to yourself?

9What do you know

That we don't know?

What do you understand

That we are not aware of?

10Amongst us are the elderly and aged,

Older than your father in days.

11Are the consolations of God too small a matter for you?

And are you indifferent to the matter?

12How come your heart is carrying you away?

How come your eyes are winking?

13For you are turning your spirit against God

When you bring such words out of your mouth.

14What is man

That he should be pure,

And that he who is born of a woman

Should be just?

15Behold, he does not put trust in his holy ones,

And the heavens are not pure in his sight.

16How much less a man abhorred and corrupt

– A man who drinks iniquity like water.

17I will explain it to you;

Listen to me,

And I will declare

What I have seen

18Things which wise men have told of

And have not hidden,

Handed down from their forefathers.

19To them alone the land was given,

And no stranger crossed through their midst.

20A wicked person writhes in discomfort all his days,

And the number of years of a violent man is hidden.

21A fearful sound is in his ears;

In a peaceful time the plunderer will come upon him.

22He does not believe he will return from darkness,

And he expects

To be destined for the sword.

23He wanders around looking for where there is food;

He knows that the day of darkness is at hand.

24Adversity and distress terrify him;

They prevail over him like a king ready for battle.

25For he stretches out his hand against God,

And he behaves insolently against the Almighty.

26He runs headlong against him

With thick bosses on his shields.

27For he has covered his face with fatness

And put on flab around his waist.

28So he will dwell in desolate cities,

Where houses are uninhabitable

– Which are on the point of becoming heaps of ruins.

29He will not become rich,

And his wealth will not endure.

So riches of such will not increase on earth.

30He does not depart from darkness.

A flame dries up his sucker,

And by the breath of his mouth he is removed.

31Let him who has been deceived not trust in vanity,

For vanity will be his recompense.

32His time will be fulfilled before it is due,

And his branch will not be green.

33He will be as a vine that shakes off its unripened grapes

And as an olive tree that casts off its blossom,

34For the congregation of the profane is fruitless,

And fire will consume the tents of the corrupt.

35They conceive sorrow

And give birth to worthlessness,

And their inner workings prepare deceit.”
