The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 14

1Man, born of woman, is of few days,

And has his fill of trouble.

2He is as a flower that comes out

Then is cut off.

And he flees as a shadow

And does not stand in place.

3Nevertheless, you open your eyes on such a one

And bring me to judgment with you.

4Who can make a clean thing

From an unclean one?

– No-one.

5If his days are determined,

If the number of his months is your decision,

If you have appointed his limit,

Then he cannot exceed them.

6Regard him with favour,

Rather than being against him,

So that he may rest

– So that he may take pleasure in his day,

As a hired man does.

7For a tree has hope,

If it is cut down,

That it may sprout again

And that its sucker will not fail,

8Even if its root in the ground has grown old,

And its felled trunk dies on the ground.

9From the smell of water it blossoms

And produces a harvest like a new plant.

10But a man dies and loses vitality;

A human being expires,

Then where is he?

11As the water from the sea recedes,

And a river becomes desolate and dry,

12So a man lies down

And does not rise again

Until the heavens are no more.

They do not awaken,

And they do not rise from their sleep.

13If only you would hide me in the underworld

And conceal me until your anger abates

And appoint me a time

And then remember me.

14If a man dies,

Will he live again?

I will wait all the days of my struggle

For my revival to come.

15You will call,

And I will answer you.

You will yearn for the work of your hands.

16For now you can count my steps.

Are you not on guard concerning my sin?

17My transgression is sealed in a bag,

And you have sewn up my iniquity.

18But even a mountain can fall

And become waste,

And a rock can be removed from its place.

19Water wears down stones;

You sweep away with a flood the soil of the land,

And you destroy the hope of mortal man.

20You overpower him for perpetuity,

And he passes away.

You change his appearance

And dismiss him.

21His sons may acquire honour,

But he would not know,

Or they could be disparaged,

But he would not be aware of their situation.

22But meanwhile his flesh on him suffers pain,

And his inner self is in mourning.”
