The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 18

1Then Bildad the Shuhite answered and said,

2“How long will it be

Before you make an end of such words?

First gain understanding,

And afterwards, we will speak.

3Why are we counted as cattle?

Why are we defiled in your eyes?

4You are the one who tears himself apart in his anger.

Should the earth be forsaken for your sake?

– Or a rock be removed from its place?

5Truly, the light of the wicked will be extinguished,

And no flame of such a one's fire will shine.

6Light will become darkness in his tent,

And his lamp will be extinguished over him.

7His iniquitous steps will be repressed,

And his own counsel will cast him down.

8For he is hurled into a net by his own feet,

And he will walk into an entanglement.

9A snare will seize him by the heel;

A noose around him will hold him fast.

10The tripwire for him is hidden on the ground,

As is a trap for him on the pathway.

11Terrors frighten him round about

And chase him around at his feet.

12Let his strength be exhausted

And destruction be prepared at his side.

13It will consume the fabric of his skin;

The firstborn of death will consume his members.

14His confidence will be plucked away from his tent,

And you will march him up to the king of terrors.

15Terror will dwell in his tent

Without him being able to do anything about it.

Sulphur will be scattered on his home.

16His roots will dry up below,

And his branches will be cut off above.

17The memory of him will perish from the land,

And he will have no reputation abroad.

18He will be driven from light to darkness;

He will be chased out of the world.

19He will have no posterity or progeny among his people,

And no survivor in his dwellings.

20Those who come afterwards

Will be astonished at his fate,

Just as those who come before it

Will have taken fright at it.

21But these are the dwellings of the unjust,

And this is the place of him

Who does not know God.”
