The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 19

1Then Job answered and said,

2“How long will you afflict my being

And crush me with your words?

3You have put me to shame these ten times

And are still not ashamed

That you alienate me like this.

4But even if it were true that I have erred,

My sense of error would remain with me.

5If you really will act proudly against me,

And argue against me on the grounds of my reproachful state,

6Know that God has overthrown me

And has cast his net around me.

7Behold, I call out,

It is wrong’,

But I am not answered.

I cry out,

But there is no process of judgment.

8He has fenced in my way

So that I cannot pass across,

And he has put darkness on my paths.

9He has stripped me of my honour,

And he has removed the crown from my head.

10He has demolished me all around,

And I have melted,

And he has removed my hope like a tree.

11And he has kindled his wrath against me,

And he has considered me as one of his adversaries.

12His troops come together

And raise up their highway against me

And encamp around my tent.

13He has removed my brothers from me,

And my acquaintances are thoroughly estranged from me.

14My relatives have disowned me,

And my colleagues have forgotten me.

15Those who dwell in my house and my handmaids

Consider me a stranger;

I have become a foreigner in their sight.

16I call my servant,

But he does not answer;

I implore him with my instructions.

17My breath is loathsome to my wife,

And I am abominable to the sons of my loins.

18Even young children reject me;

When I appear,

They jeer at me.

19All the members of my secret counsel abhor me,

And they whom I loved have turned against me.

20My bones cleave to my skin and flesh,

And I survive by the skin of my teeth.

21Have pity on me,

Have pity on me, my friends,

For the hand of God has struck me.

22Why do you persecute me like God,

And why are you not satisfied with the state of my flesh?

23If only my words could be written down now;

If only they could be inscribed in a book.

24If only they could be engraved in rock in perpetuity,

With an iron stylus, and lead filled.

25But I know that my redeemer lives,

And that in the end time he will appear on earth,

26And that after my skin has been destroyed like this,

I will in my flesh yet behold God,

27Whom I shall behold for myself,

And my eyes will see one

Who is not a stranger,

For whom my heart pines deeply.

28For you will say,

‘Why did we persecute him?’

Is the root of the matter to be found in me?

29Fear the sword,

For the punishments of the sword are full of fury,

In order that you may know that there is justice.”
