The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 20

1Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said,

2“This is why my thoughts prompt me to answer,

And why I am hasty in doing so:

3I hear correction of my supposedly shameful stance,

And my discerning spirit gives me an answer.

4Do you not know this,

Known of olden time,

Since man was placed on the earth,

5That the rejoicing of the wicked is of short duration,

And the happiness of the profane is but for a moment?

6Even if his exaltation goes up to heaven,

And his head reaches to the clouds,

7He will perish in perpetuity like his dung.

Those who have seen him will say,

‘Where is he?’

8He will fly away like a dream

And will not be found,

And he will be driven away like a nightly vision.

9An eye may have seen him,

But it will do so no more,

And his home place will no longer welcome him.

10His sons will satisfy the poor,

And his own hands will repay his wealth.

11While his bones are still full of youthful vigour,

Each will lie down in the dust with him.

12Although wickedness is sweet in the mouth,

And he keeps it hidden under his tongue,

13Keeping it and not letting it go,

And retaining it in his mouth,

14His food will change in his bowels;

There will be adders' venom in his innards.

15He has swallowed down riches

And will vomit them up again;

God will drive them out of his stomach.

16He will suck adders' poison;

The tongue of the viper will kill him.

17May he not see streams

– The rivers and brooks of honey and butter.

18He will repay what is owed for his toil

And will not swallow it up.

According to his wealth, his debt of restitution will be,

And he will not rejoice in it,

19Because he crushed and abandoned the poor;

He seized a house

Which he did not build,

20And because he was never content inwardly,

Nor did he ever let a desirable object escape him.

21There is nothing that escapes his voracity,

Which is why his well-being will not last.

22In satisfying his greed,

He enters into straits.

Every distressing force shall come upon him.

23When he is about to fill his belly,

God will send his furious anger on him,

And he will rain it on him during his meal.

24He may flee from iron weaponry,

But the copper bow will pierce him through.

25And if one extract the arrow,

And it comes out of his back,

Or the blade comes out from his entrails,

Then terrors still await him.

26All darkness is reserved for his hidden treasures;

A fire not blown with bellows will devour him.

Any survivor in his tent will fare badly.

27The heavens will reveal his iniquity,

And the earth will rise up against him.

28The produce of his household will be taken away,

And various things will be poured out

On the day of his wrath.

29This is the fate of the wicked man from God,

And his appointed inheritance from God.”
