The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 27

1Then Job went further in expounding his argument and said,

2As God lives,

Who has taken my justice away,

And the Almighty,

Who has embittered my feelings,

3As long as my breath is in me,

And the spirit of God is in my nostrils,

4My lips shall certainly not speak wickedness,

And my tongue shall certainly not utter deceit.

5Far be it from me to justify you.

I will not renounce my integrity

Before I expire.

6I have held on to my righteousness,

And I will not relent on it.

My heart shall not reproach me

In all my days.

7Let my enemy be declared wicked,

And my opponent unjust.

8For what is the hope of the profane

If he has made unjust gain,

If God is indifferent to his life?

9Will God hear his cry

When adversity comes upon him?

10Will he delight in the Almighty?

Will he call on God at all times?”

11“I will teach you by the hand of God;

I will not hide that which is with the Almighty.

12Behold, all of you have seen it.

Why then do you act so very vainly?

13This is the portion of the wicked man with God,

And the inheritance which tyrants receive from the Almighty.

14If his sons become numerous,

They will be destined for the sword,

And his offspring will not be satisfied with bread.

15Those who survive him will be buried in death,

And his widowed daughters-in-law will not weep.

16If he heaps up silver like dust

And prepares luxury clothing like clay,

17He may prepare it,

But the righteous man will wear it,

And the innocent will divide the silver.

18He builds a house like the moth,

And as a booth which a guard makes.

19The rich man lies down

But is not reunited with his forefathers;

He opens his eyes,

And his wealth has gone.

20Every terror will overtake him like water;

At night a whirlwind will steal him away.

21The east wind will bear him away,

And away he will go,

And a storm will sweep him from his place.

22For he will cast terrors on him,

And he will not spare.

He will certainly want to flee from his hand.

23He will clap his hands at him

And hiss him away from his place.
