The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 28

1Now for silver there is a vein,

And there is a place where they refine gold.

2Iron is obtained from ore,

And mineral is cast into copper.

3The miner discounts darkness,

And in every direction he searches for minerals,

In thick darkness and the shadow of death.

4He sinks a shaft with a migrant workforce,

Who do not use their feet.

They are lowered down;

They move about unnaturally.

5As for the land, from it comes bread,

But underneath it,

It is like fire swirling around.

6Amongst its stones is a place of sapphire;

It includes gold-bearing ore.

7There is a path which the bird of prey does not know,

And the eye of the kite has not seen.

8The lion's whelps have not trodden it,

And the fierce lion has not passed along it.

9At the flint he applies his hand;

He overturns mountains at their roots.

10He cuts out galleries in the rocks,

And his eye sees every kind of precious gemstone.

11He blocks underground rivers from gushing,

And he brings a hidden thing to light.

12But from where is wisdom obtained?

And where is the place of understanding?

13Man does not know its value,

Nor is it found in the land of the living.

14The ocean says,

‘It is not in me’,

And the sea says,

It is not with me.’

15Gold cannot be given in exchange for it,

And silver cannot be weighed out as its price.

16It cannot be piled in the scales against fine gold from Ophir

Or valuable onyx or sapphire.

17Gold and crystal cannot match its value,

Nor is its exchange value an object of purified gold.

18Precious gems and crystal are not worth a mention,

But the acquisition of wisdom is worth more than red corals.

19Ethiopian topaz cannot match its value,

Nor can it be piled in the scales against pure gold.

20But as for wisdom – where does it come from?

And where is the place of understanding?

21Well, it is concealed from the eyes of every living being,

And it is hidden from the birds of the sky.

22Destruction and death say,

‘We have heard of its reputation with our ears.’

23God understands its way,

And he knows its place.

24For he looks to the ends of the earth;

He sees what is under all the heavens.

25It was to give weight to the wind

When he weighed water accurately,

26And when he issued a statute to the rain,

And a way for lightning and thunderclaps.

27Then he saw it

And declared it.

He established it

And searched it out.

28And he said to man,

‘Behold, the fear of the Lord* is wisdom,

And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ”
