The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 31

1I have made a covenant concerning my eyes;

Now why should I pay attention to a virgin?

2And what is one's portion from God above,

And one's inheritance from the Almighty in the heights?

3Is it not calamity to the unjust man,

And alienation to the perpetrators of iniquity?

4Does he not see my ways

And count all my steps?

5And know whether I have walked with vanity,

And whether my foot has hastened to deceit?

6Let him weigh me with just balances

So that God may know my integrity

7– Whether my step has turned aside from the way,

And whether my heart has followed my eyes,

And whether any spot has cleaved to my hands.

8If so, then let me sow,

And another eat,

And let my offspring be eradicated.

9If my heart has been seduced by a woman,

Or if I have lain in wait at the door of my neighbour,

10Then let my wife grind flour for another,

And let other servants bow to her as mistress.

11For such behaviour would be depravity,

And that is a judicial offence.

12For such a fire would consume me to destruction,

And it would root out all my produce.

13If I have rejected the justice of my manservant or my maidservant

In their dispute with me,

14Then what should I do if God rises up,

And if he deals with the case?

What should I answer him?

15Did not he who made me in the womb

Also make the other?

Did not he form us

In one kind of womb?

16I have certainly not withheld my support from the poor,

Or caused the eye of the widow to languish,

17Nor eaten my morsel on my own,

With the orphan not partaking of it.

18For from my youth the orphan grew up while I was as a father,

And from my mother's womb I guided the widow.

19If I saw anyone perishing for want of clothing,

Or if the poor had no covering,

20His loins certainly were grateful to me

As he warmed himself in fleece from my lambs.

21If I have lifted up my hand against the orphan

When I saw at the gate a need for my help,

22May my shoulder fall from the shoulder blade,

And my arm be broken from the arm socket.

23For fear was upon me

Of a downfall from God,

For I cannot prevail against his exalted position.

24If I have made gold my hope

And said to fine gold,

You are my ground of reliance’;

25If I have delighted because my wealth was great,

Or because my hand had found abundance,

26Or if I saw sunlight when it shone,

Or the moon making its course in honour,

27And my heart was deceived in secret,

And my hand kissed my mouth,

28This too would have been a judicial offence,

For I would have acted falsely towards God above,

29Or if I have rejoiced

At the demise of him who hates me,

And I have been uplifted

When evil befell him.

30I have not allowed the roof of my mouth to sin

By asking for a curse on his life.

31It is the men of my household who certainly said,

‘If only we had a part of his flesh;

We are not satisfied.’

32The foreigner has not had to lodge out in the open;

I have opened my doors to the traveller.

33If I have covered my transgressions like Adam,

By hiding my iniquity in my bosom,

34Then may I fear a great multitude,

And the contempt of families intimidating me,

So that I become silent

And do not go out of doors.

35If only I had someone who would listen to me.

If only the Almighty would answer me with a written charge for me,

And the one who is contending with me

Would write out the case against me in a book.

36I would certainly bear it on my shoulder

And bind it to myself like crowns.

37I would declare the number of my steps;

Like a prince I would approach him.

38If my ground cries out against me,

And if its furrows weep together,

39If I have eaten the produce of it without paying,

If I have caused the inner selves of those entitled to it to gasp,

40Then let thistles come up instead of wheat,

And weeds instead of barley.

The words of Job are complete.”
