The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 30

1But now those who are younger than me in days laugh at me,

Whose fathers I would have declined to appoint in charge of my sheepdogs.

2Moreover, what use would their strong hands have been to me,

Considering they lacked maturity?

3Through want and hunger they were unproductive;

They were gnawing scraps in a drought-plagued land

Which was in former time desolate and desolated.

4They would pluck mallow among the shrubs,

And their food was the root of broom.

5They were driven out of the community;

People sounded an alarm at them as at a thief,

6So that they lived in dangerous gullies

In holes in the ground and in rocks.

7They brayed among the shrubs;

They gathered together under the thorn bushes.

8They are the sons of the foolish

– Verily, the sons of those of no repute.

They were forcibly driven from the land.

9And now I have become their song,

And I have become their byword.

10They abhor me;

They keep their distance from me,

And they do not refrain from spitting in my face.

11For he has loosed my cord and oppressed me,

And they have behaved in an unbridled way towards me.

12On the right, a rabble rises up;

They trip up my feet

And set up against me their destructive ways.

13They ravage my path,

They take advantage of my plight;

They do it gratuitously.

14As through a wide breach they come;

Accompanied by destruction, they roll on.

15Terrors are turned on me,

Which pursue my dignity like the wind,

And my salvation has passed away like a cloud.

16And now my heart is poured out on me;

Days of affliction have taken their hold on me.

17At night my bones give me shooting pain;

My gnawing nerves do not rest.

18With great tightness my covering of skin is like a disguise;

Like the collar of my tunic, it girds me.

19He has cast me into the mire,

And I have become like dust and ashes.”

20“I cry out to you,

But you do not answer me.

I endure the time

For you to attend to me.

21You have become fierce to me;

You persecute me with your strong hand.

22You bear me away,

You cause me to ride on the wind;

You dissolve my wealth.

23For I know that you will return me to death,

And to the house appointed for all the living.”

24“But he does not stretch out his hand to a mound of stones,

Even at their cry in one's demise.

25I most certainly wept for him who was in difficult times;

My inner being mourned for the needy.

26For I waited for good,

But evil came,

And I expected light,

But thick darkness arrived.

27My inward parts are agitated,

And they will not be silent;

The days of affliction are in front of me.

28I go about downcast,

With no bright spirit.

I stand,

And in the convocation I cry for help.

29I have become a brother to jackals,

And a neighbour to ostriches.

30My skin has turned black on me,

And my bones burn as from dry heat.

31And my harp has become a lamentation,

And my flute the sound of those weeping.
