The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 35

1Furthermore Elihu continued speaking and said,

2“Did you think it was justice when you said,

‘My righteousness is greater than that of God’?

3For you asked what benefit you had,

And you said,

‘What advantage is there to me in desisting from my sin?’

4I will reply to you with words

And to your companions with you.

5Look at the heavens and see,

And behold the clouds which are higher than you.

6If you sin,

What impact do you have on him?

And if your transgressions are many,

What effect do you have on him?

7If you are righteous,

What will you give him?

Or what will he accept from your hand?

8Your wicked deed is one thing to a man like yourself,

As is your righteousness to a son of Adam.

9Men may cry out on account of a multitude of oppressions;

They may shout out because of the power of the mighty,

10But no-one says,

‘Where is God my maker,

Who gives songs in dark times,

11Who is our teacher of things beyond the cattle of the earth,

And who makes us wise in matters deeper than the birds of the sky?’

12There, they cry out,

But he does not answer them,

Because of the pride of evil men.

13Surely God does not hearken to vanity,

And the Almighty does not see it favourably.

14How much less when you would say to him,

‘You do not see it favourably.’

When judgment is taking place before him,

Wait for him.

15And now, you say that it is not in anger

That he visits men,

And that he does not acknowledge great excess.

16So Job has opened his mouth in vain,

And he has uttered many words without knowledge.”
