The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 36

1Then Elihu continued and said,

2“Stay around me a little while,

And I will declare more to you,

For God still has words to come.

3I will take the sum of my knowledge

Which comes from afar

And ascribe righteousness to my maker.

4For truly, my words are not false;

He who is omniscient is with you.

5Behold, God is mighty,

And he does not reject anyone;

He is mighty in depth of character.

6He does not preserve the wicked man alive

But gives justice to the poor.

7He will not withdraw his eyes from the righteous,

For he seats them with kings on the throne,

And he accommodates them in perpetuity,

And they are exalted.

8And if any are bound in fetters,

If they are taken by the cords of affliction,

9Then he tells them their work,

Including their transgressions,

When they behaved insolently.

10And he opens their ears to correction,

And he tells them that they must renounce iniquity.

11If they hearken and serve him,

They will complete their days in prosperity

And their years in pleasantness.

12But if they do not hearken,

They will perish by the missile,

And they will expire in ignorance.

13And the profane-minded lay up wrath;

They cannot cry out,

For he binds them.

14They die in youth,

And their life ends among male prostitutes.

15He delivers the afflicted in his affliction,

And he opens their ears in their oppression.

16And indeed he would draw you away from the jaws of straitness

To a broad place

So that there is no distress in the vicinity,

And that which is set on your table

Would be full of fatness.

17But you are full of judgment belonging to the wicked;

Judgment and justice are taking hold of you.

18When there is fury,

Beware lest he draw you away at a stroke,

To where no great ransom can lead you back.

19Will he respect your riches,

You who are not in straitness?

No, nor will he respect any exercise of power.

20Do not desire the night,

When whole peoples are upheaved on the spot.

21Beware and do not turn to iniquity,

For you have chosen this way

Rather than the way of affliction.

22You see how God exalts by his power.

Who is a teacher like him?

23Who appointed him his way?

And who can say,

‘You have committed iniquity’?

24Remember this when you extol his work,

Which men gaze upon.

25All men have seen it;

Mortal man beholds it from afar.

26Behold, God is exalted,

And we do not know the number of his years,

And there is no way of searching them out.

27For he draws off particles of water

Which condense as rain in his mist

28And distil as fine clouds;

They precipitate on man abundantly.

29Can anyone really understand the spreading out of clouds

Or the rumblings of his abode?

30Behold, he spreads his light out over it

And covers the sea bed.

31Yet by these weather phenomena he judges nations

And gives food abundantly.

32With his hands he grasps the lightning

And commands it where to strike.

33Its noise warns of it;

Cattle do so too,

Of what is arising.
