The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 40

1And the Lord answered Job further and said,

2“Will he who contends with the Almighty

Instruct him?

Let the reprover of God answer it.”

3Then Job answered the Lord and said,

4“Behold, I am base.

How can I answer you?

I put my hand to my mouth.

5I spoke once,

But I cannot answer for it,

And a second time,

But I will not do so any more.”

6Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind and said,

7“Gird up your waist like a man.

I will ask you,

And you can answer me.

8Will you declare my judgment void?

Will you condemn me,

So that you are righteous?

9Now do you have an arm like God,

And can you thunder with a voice like his?

10Kindly deck yourself with excellence and majesty,

And clothe yourself with glory and splendour.

11Distribute the outbursts of your anger,

And see everyone who is proud,

And bring him low.

12See everyone who is proud,

And bring him down,

And tread on the wicked on the spot.

13Hide them in the dust together;

Bind them in a hidden place.

14Then I myself will confess to you,

That your right hand can save you.

15Behold, please, Behemoth,

Which I made with you.

It eats grass like an ox.

16Look at its strength in its loins,

And its might in the muscles of its rump.

17It swings its tail like a cedar,

And its fearful sinews are interwoven.

18Its bones are tubes of copper,

And its frame is like bars of iron.

19It is the pre-eminence of God's ways;

Only he who made it

Can bring his sword against it.

20For the mountains yield produce for it,

Where all the wild beasts play.

21It lies under lotus bushes,

Secretly, in reeds and swamp land.

22The lotus bushes cover it with their shade;

The willows of the brook surround it.

23What if the river bears down on it?

It is not alarmed.

It is confident,

Even when the Jordan gushes into its mouth.

24Can anyone capture it by its eyes?

Can anyone hook its nose with snares?
