The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 39

1Do you know the time

When the mountain goats give birth?

Or do you keep watch over the time

When the hinds calve?

2Can you count the months for which they gestate?

And do you know the time when they give birth?

3They crouch,

They deliver their young;

They cast off their labour pangs.

4Their young grow strong;

They grow up in the open field.

They go out

And do not return.

5Who set the wild ass free?

And who loosed the bonds of the wild donkey?

6– Whose home territory I appointed to be the arid tracts

And whose dwelling places to be salt land?

7He derides the urban crowd

And does not hear the clamour of the taskmaster.

8The forageable area of the mountains is his pasture,

And he searches for every green plant.

9Does the buffalo love to work for you?

And does it lodge in your stall?

10Can you bind the buffalo to his harness

For ploughing a furrow?

Or will he harrow the valleys behind you?

11Do you put your trust in him?

For his strength is great.

And do you leave your toil to him?

12Will you put your trust in him

That he will make a return on your seed

And gather it in your threshing hall?

13Are you responsible for it when the wing of the ostrich is celebrated,

Or the wing feather of the stork and its plumage?

14For she commits her eggs to the ground

And hatches them on soil,

15And she forgets that a foot may crush them,

And that a wild animal may trample on them.

16She treats her young harshly,

As if not her own.

Her labour is in vain and without fear.

17For God causes her to forget wisdom,

And he has not apportioned her with understanding.

18In due time she rises on high

And looks down on the horse and on its rider.

19Did you give the horse his strength?

Did you clothe his neck with a mane?

20Did you give him the ability to jump like a locust?

The dignity of his snorting is awesome.

21He paws in the valley

And rejoices in his strength

And engages in battle.

22He derides fear

And is not afraid

And does not turn back from the sword.

23Alongside him the quiver rattles,

And the blade of the spear and the lance.

24With noise and raging, he stamps the earth

And does not stand in place when the sound of the ramshorn is heard.

25Whenever the ramshorn is heard,

He says, ‘Aha!’,

And smells war from a distance

– The thunder of generals and the sound of alarm.

26Is it by your wisdom that the hawk soars

And stretches its wings to the south?

27Or is it according to your command that the eagle soars,

And that it makes its nest high up?

28It dwells and lodges on a rock,

On a crag and citadel.

29For there it seeks prey;

Its eyes see it from a distance.

30And its young suck up blood,

And wherever the slain are,

There it is.”
