The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 9

1aTo the choirmaster. The secret of the son.↑

A Psalm of David.

1bI will praise the Lord with all my heart;

I will tell of all your wondrous deeds.

2I will rejoice and exult in you;

I will sing psalms of your most high name.

3When my enemies retreat back,

They will stumble and perish at your presence.

4For you will deal with my case and my right;

You will sit on the throne

Judging righteously.

5You will rebuke nations

And put an end to the wicked one.

You will eradicate their name

For the age and in perpetuity.

6O enemy, devastations will come to an end in perpetuity,

But as for the cities which you have destroyed,

The memory of them has perished.

7But the Lord is seated age-abidingly;

He will establish his throne of justice.

8And he will judge the world justly;

He will arbitrate between peoples equitably.

9And the Lord will be a refuge to the oppressed

– A refuge in times of affliction.

10And those who know your name will trust in you,

For you have not forsaken those who seek you,

O Lord.

11Sing psalms to the Lord,

Who is seated in Zion;

Relate his deeds

Among the various peoples.

12For he who requites bloodshed

Remembers them.

He does not forget

The crying of the afflicted.

13Have mercy on me, O Lord;

Observe my affliction by those who hate me,

You who lift me up from the gates of death,

14So that I can relate all your psalms of praise

At the gates of the daughter of Zion,

And rejoice in your salvation.

15The nations will sink in the pit which they have made;

In the very net which they hid,

Their leg will be trapped.

16The Lord is known

By the justice which he executes;

The wicked man is ensnared

By the work of his own hands.

A meditation. Selah.

17The wicked will return to the grave,

As will all the nations forgetful of God.

18For the poor will not be forgotten in perpetuity,

Nor will the hope of the meek perish for eternity.

19Arise, O Lord,

Do not let man prevail;

Let the nations be judged

In your presence.

20O Lord, put fear in them,

That the nations may know

That they are but man.

