The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 10

1Why, O Lord, do you stand at a distance?

Why do you hide in times of affliction?

2The wicked man in his pride

Ardently pursues the needy,

But they will be caught by the very devices

Which they contrived.

3For the wicked man boasts in his personal pleasure-seeking,

And the defrauder blasphemes

– He blasphemes the Lord.

4The wicked, in his arrogant pride,

Does not seek divine guidance;

God does not come into any of his machinations.

5They pervert his way all the time.

Your judgments are high up, aloof from him;

He rails at all his adversaries.

6He says in his heart,

“I will not falter,

Because from generation to generation

I will not be in difficulty.”

7His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and vehemence;

Under his tongue are vice and iniquity.

8He lies in ambush in enclosed areas,

He kills the innocent in hiding places;

His eyes lie hidden,

Fixed on the downcast.

9He lies in ambush in the hiding place,

Like a lion in a thicket.

He lies in an ambush

Ready to pounce on the poor;

He pounces on the poor

As he draws him into his net.

10 And he crouches and keeps low,

And by his dominance

The strength of the downcast fails.

11He says in his heart,

God forgets,

He is hiding his face;

He will never look.”

12Arise, O Lord;

O God lift up your hand.

Do not forget the afflicted.

13Why does the wicked blaspheme God?

He says in his heart,

“He will not investigate it.”

14You have looked,

For you have seen sorrow and grief,

So as to requite it with your hand.

The downcast commits himself to you;

You are a helper to the orphan.

15Break the arm of the wicked and evil one;

Investigate his wickedness

Which he thinks you will not find.

16The Lord is king for the age and in perpetuity;

The nations are eliminated from his land.

17You have heard the desire of the meek, O Lord,

You will establish their heart;

Your ear has hearkened to it,

18So as to provide justice to the orphan and the afflicted.

The man from the earth

Will not cause terror any more.

Reference(s) in Chapter 10: v.7 ↔ Romans 3:14.
