The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 25

1A Psalm of David.

To you, O Lord,

I direct my sentiments.

2O God of mine, in you I have trusted.

May I not be ashamed;

May my enemies not gloat over me.

3May none of those who put their hope in you be ashamed either;

Let those who act treacherously without cause be ashamed.

4O Lord, make your ways known to me;

Teach me your paths.

5Guide my steps in your truth,

And teach me,

For you are the God of my salvation.

I put my hope in you all day long.

6Remember your compassion and kindness, O Lord,

For they have existed since ancient time.

7Do not remember the sins of my youth

Nor my transgressions.

In accordance with your kindness,

Do remember me

For the sake of your goodness, O Lord.

8The Lord is good and upright,

On account of which he instructs sinners on the way.

9He guides the steps of the meek in justice,

And he teaches the meek his way.

10All the ways of the Lord are kindness and truth

To those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.

11For your name's sake, O Lord,

Forgive my iniquity,

For it is great.

12Who is this man who fears the Lord?

He will instruct him in the way he is to choose.

13His very self will abide in well-being,

And his seed will inherit the earth.

14The Lord's private plan is for those who fear him,

And his covenant is to instruct them.

15My eyes are continually to the Lord,

For he will extricate my feet from the net.

16Turn to me and have mercy on me,

For I am solitary and afflicted.

17They have increased the anguish of my heart.

Deliver me out of my distress.

18See my affliction and my suffering,

And forgive all my sins.

19See how my enemies have increased,

And how they have hated me with a violent hatred.

20Guard my life and deliver me;

Do not let me be ashamed,

For I have put my trust in you.

21Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,

For I have put my hope in you.

22Deliver Israel, O God,

From all his adversities.
