The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 37

1A Psalm of David.

Do not be infuriated by evildoers;

Do not be envious of perpetrators of injustice.

2For they will quickly be cut down like wild herbage

And will wither like green grass.

3Trust in the Lord and do good;

Dwell in the land

And feed on faithfulness.

4And delight in the Lord,

And he will grant you the requests of your heart.

5Entrust your way to the Lord,

And trust in him,

And he will perform it.

6And he will bring out your righteousness like light,

And your justice like midday.

7Be still before the Lord,

And wait for him.

Do not be infuriated by him who makes his way a success

– By a man who engages in intrigues.

8Cease from anger

And abandon fury;

Do not be infuriated,

Which just leads to acting wickedly.

9For those who act wickedly will be cut off,

But those who await the Lord

Will inherit the earth.

10And in just a little while,

There will not be any wicked.

As soon as you have taken stock of his position,

He will not be there.

11But the meek shall inherit the earth

And delight in great peace.

12The wicked man schemes against the righteous man

And gnashes his teeth at him.

13The Lord* will laugh at him,

For he has seen that his day will come.

14The wicked unsheathe a sword

And draw their bow,

In order to fell the poor and the needy,

And to slaughter those of an upright way.

15Their sword will go into their own heart,

And their bows will be broken up.

16The little that the righteous man has

Is better than the much of the many wicked.

17For the arms of the wicked will be broken,

But the Lord upholds the righteous.

18The Lord knows the days of those with integrity,

Whose inheritance will be age-abiding.

19They shall not be ashamed at an evil time,

And in days of famine, they will be satiated.

20For the wicked will perish,

And the enemies of the Lord are like the prime part of fatted lambs.

They will be consumed;

In smoke they will be consumed.

21The wicked man borrows and does not repay,

But the righteous man shows compassion and gives.

22For those blessed by him will inherit the earth,

But those cursed by him will be cut off.

23Man's steps are made firm by the Lord,

And he delights in his way.

24If he falls,

He will not be cast out,

For the Lord supports his hand.

25I was once a young man,

But now I am old,

And I have not seen a righteous man forsaken,

Nor seen his seed seeking bread.

26He is compassionate and lends all day,

And his seed is a blessing.

27Depart from evil and do good,

And so dwell age-abidingly.

28For the Lord loves justice,

And he does not forsake those of his grace.

They are kept safe age-abidingly,

But the seed of the wicked is cut off.

29The righteous will inherit the earth

And will dwell on it perpetually.

30The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom,

And his tongue speaks justice.

31The law of his God is in his heart;

None of his steps stumbles.

32The wicked watches for the righteous

And endeavours to kill him.

33The Lord will not leave him in his hand,

Nor will he condemn him when he is judged.

34Wait for the Lord,

And guard his way,

And he will exalt you in inheriting the earth.

When the wicked are cut off,

You will see it.

35I have seen a wicked, violent man

Spreading himself like a luxuriant native tree.

36Then he passes away,

And behold, he is not there,

And although I might seek him,

He is not to be found.

37Maintain integrity

And see to being upright,

For the final state of man is peace.

38But transgressors will be completely destroyed;

The final state of the wicked is to be cut off.

39But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;

He is their stronghold in the time of tribulation.

40And the Lord will help them and deliver them;

He will deliver them from the wicked ones

And save them,

For they have trusted in him.

Reference(s) in Chapter 37: v.11 ↔ Matthew 5:5.
