The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 38

1aA Psalm of David to bring to remembrance.

1bO Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger,

Nor chasten me in your fury.

2For your arrows rain down on me,

And your hand descends onto me.

3There is nothing unscathed in my flesh

On account of your indignation;

There is no peace in my bones

On account of my sin.

4For my iniquities extend beyond my head;

They weigh down like a burden too heavy for me.

5My scars are loathsome;

They are a flux because of my folly.

6I am buckled,

I have been brought low in the extreme;

I go mourning all day long.

7For my loins are full of inflammation,

And there is nothing unscathed in my flesh.

8I have become languid,

And I have been crushed in the extreme.

I roar with the growling of my heart.

9O Lord*, all my yearning is set before you,

And my sighing is not concealed from you.

10My heart palpitates;

My strength has deserted me,

And the light of my eyes is not with me either.

11Those who love me, and my friends, stand back at my plight,

And my acquaintances station themselves at a distance,

12While those who seek my life lay snares,

And those intent on harming me

Speak pernicious things

And contemplate deceitful plots all day long.

13But I, like a deaf person, do not hear it,

And like a mute person,

Who does not open his mouth.

14And I was like a man who did not hear it,

In whose mouth were no reproofs.

15For I have waited for you, O Lord.

You will answer, O Lord* my God.

16For I have said,

“So that they do not rejoice over me,

Or triumph over me when my foot falters.”

17For I am on the point of keeling over,

And my grief is in front of me all the time.

18For I will confess my iniquity;

I am anxious about my sin.

19Meanwhile my enemies are alive

And have become strong.

And those who hate me on false grounds

Have become numerous.

20And those who requite evil instead of good

Oppose me for my pursuit of good.

21Do not abandon me, O Lord;

O God of mine, do not be far from me.

22Hasten to help me,

O Lord* of my salvation.
