The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 44

1aTo the choirmaster.↑

For the sons of Korah, an Instructive Psalm.

1bO God, we have heard with our ears

– Our fathers told us –

Of the work you performed

In days of old.

2You disinherited nations with your hand

And planted them.

You did harm to various peoples

And cast them out.

3For they did not take possession of the land by their sword,

Nor did their own arm save them.

Rather, your right hand did,

And your arm,

And the light of your presence,

For you had pleasure in them.

4You are my king, O God;

Command the salvations of Jacob.

5Through you we will butt our adversaries;

Through your name, we will trample down

Those who rise up against us.

6For I do not put trust in my bow,

And my sword will not save me.

7For you have saved us from our adversaries

And have put those who hate us to shame.

8We have praised God throughout the day,

And we will be thankful to your name age-abidingly.


9But you are averse to us,

And you have put us to shame,

And you do not go out in our armies.

10You drive us back from the adversary,

And those who hate us

Plunder away.

11You make us like sheep for food,

And you have scattered us among the Gentiles.

12You have sold your people at no value,

And you did not bid up their price.

13You make us a reproach to our neighbours

– A mockery and derision to those round about us.

14You make us a byword among the Gentiles

– A shaking of the head among the various peoples.

15All day long my ignominy is before me,

And the shame of my face covers me

16At the sound of the reproacher and the reviler

– At the presence of the enemy and the avenger.

17All this has come upon us,

But we have not forgotten you,

And we have not violated your covenant.

18Our heart has not withdrawn,

Nor do our steps deviate from your path,

19Although you have crushed us in a place of jackals,

And you have covered us with a shadow of death.

20If we have forgotten the name of our God

Or spread our hands to a strange god,

21Will not God search this out?

For he knows the hidden things of the heart.

22Indeed for your sake we are killed all day long;

We are considered as sheep for slaughter.

23Awake; why do you sleep, O Lord*?

Arise; do not be averse for all time.

24Why do you hide your face

And forget our affliction and our oppression?

25For our spirit is sinking into the dust;

Our belly is stuck to the earth.

26Arise and be our help,

And redeem us

For your kindness' sake.

Reference(s) in Chapter 44: v.22 ↔ Romans 8:36.
