The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 45

1aTo the choirmaster on Shoshannim.↑

For the sons of Korah, an Instructive Psalm. A song of love.

1bMy heart is bubbling up with a good thing,

I speak of my works for the king;

My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

2You are very much more comely than the sons of Adam;

Grace is poured out on your lips,

Because God has blessed you age-abidingly.

3Gird your sword onto your thigh, O warrior,

For your splendour and your majesty.

4And as for your majesty,

Prosper and ride

On the principle of truth and righteous meekness,

And your right hand will show you awesome things.

5Your arrows are sharpened;

Various peoples will fall under you

Those at the heart of the king's enemies.

6Your throne, O God, is age-abiding and in perpetuity;

The sceptre of your kingdom is an upright sceptre.

7You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness,

Which is why God, your God,

Has anointed you with the oil of gladness

More than your companions.

8All your clothes have been scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia,

From ivory palaces,

Because they gladden you.

9The daughters of kings are among your maids-of-honour,

And a queen stands on your right in gold from Ophir.

10Listen, O daughter, and look,

And incline your ear,

And forget your people,

And your father's house,

11While the king longs for your beauty,

For he is your Lord,

So worship him.

12And, O daughter of Tyre,

The rich of the people will seek your favour with a gift.

13The king's daughter is entirely glorious indoors,

And her clothing is of intricately woven gold.

14She will be brought to the king in embroidery;

Her virgin attendants following are brought to you.

15They will be brought with gladness and rejoicing,

They will come to the king's palace.

16In the place of your fathers

Will be your sons.

You will appoint them as princes

Over all the land.

17I will bring your name to remembrance

From every generation to generation,

Which is why the various peoples will praise you,

Age-abidingly and in perpetuity.

Reference(s) in Chapter 45: v.6 ↔ Hebrews 1:8 ● v.7 ↔ Hebrews 1:9.
