The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 71

1In you, O Lord, I have put my trust;

Do not let me ever be put to shame.

2Rescue me and extricate me in your righteousness;

Incline your ear to me

And save me.

3Be to me a rock-strong dwelling place,

To go to at all times.

You have given commandment to save me,

For you are my rock and my fortress.

4O God of mine, rescue me from the hand of the wicked man

– From the palm of the iniquitous and violent one,

5For you are my hope, my Lord the Lord,

And my security from my youth.

6I have been dependent on you since the womb

– Since my mother's belly from which you cut me loose.

My praise has always been on your account.

7I became a marvel to many,

And you were my strong refuge.

8May my mouth be full of your praise

And of your splendour all day long.

9Do not cast me off in the time of my old age.

When my strength has become exhausted,

Do not abandon me.

10For my enemies have spoken against me,

And those watching out for a chance to take my life

Have taken counsel together,

11And have said, “God has forsaken him.

Pursue and seize him,

For there is no-one to deliver him.”

12O God, do not be far from me.

O God of mine, hasten to my assistance.

13May those who take a stand against my life

Be put to shame and consumed.

May those who seek my harm

Be covered in reproach and ignominy.

14But I will always wait,

And I will add to all your praise.

15My mouth will relate your righteousness

And your salvation, all day long.

I do not know the number of such deeds.

16I will come in the might of my Lord the Lord;

I will bring your righteousness to remembrance

– Yours only.

17O God you have taught me from my youth,

And I have been telling of your wondrous deeds up to now.

18Now also at old age and grey hair,

Do not forsake me, O God,

Before I have told of your strength

To this generation,

And I have told of your might

To all who are to come.

19And your righteousness, O God, is sublime,

In that you have performed great deeds.

O God, who is like you?

20Although you have shown us many adversities and troubles,

You will restore us to life again,

And lift me up again from the depths of the earth.

21You will increase my greatness

And surround and comfort me.

22I too will give you thanks on the lute;

I will make psalm melody of your truth to you,

O God of mine,

With the harp,

O holy one of Israel.

23My lips will rejoice

When I make psalm melody to you,

As will my being

Which you have redeemed.

24My tongue, too, will utter your righteousness all day long,

Because those who seek my harm have become ashamed

– Because they have become disgraced.
