The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 73

1A Psalm of Asaph.

Surely God is good to Israel

– To the pure in heart.

2But as for me, my feet were almost reduced to nothing;

My steps were exhausted.

3For I was jealous of the boasters

When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

4For they have no concerns about their death

While their body is healthy.

5They are not subject to man's toiling,

Nor are they plagued in common with man.

6That is why pride bedecks them,

And the garment which covers them

Is their violence.

7Their eyes bulge from fatness;

The imaginings of their heart pass beyond all bounds.

8They mock,

They speak wickedly, plotting oppression;

They speak haughtily.

9They have set their mouth against heaven,

While their tongue traverses the earth.

10Therefore he will bring his people back here,

And water will be wrung out to them in full.

11But they say,

“How does God know?”

And, “Does the Most High have any knowledge of it?”

12Behold, these are the wicked,

And those at ease in the age,

Who have increased in riches.

13Surely I cleansed my heart in vain

When I washed my hands in innocence,

14For I was plagued all day long,

And I suffered castigation each morning.

15If I had said,

“Let me speak like that”,

I would have misled a generation of your sons.

16I pondered so as to know this matter

– It was to my sorrow in my sight –

17Until I went into the sanctuary of God

And understood their final state.

18Surely you will put them in slippery places;

You will make them fall into ruin.

19How they will become a desolation in a moment!

How they will perish and meet their end in terrors!

20As in waking up from a dream, O Lord*,

On awakening, you will despise their illusion.

21For my heart was embittered,

And I was pierced in my kidneys.

22But I was an imbecile

And did not know;

I was like the beasts with you.

23Yet I am always with you;

You have taken hold of my right hand.

24You will lead me in accordance with your purpose,

And afterwards, you will receive me in glory.

25Whom do I have in the heavens?

I delight just to be with you;

I have not delighted in the earth.

26My flesh has come to an end,

But as for my heart,

The rock of my heart and my portion

Is God age-abidingly.

27For behold, those departing from you will perish;

You have cut off

Everyone who commits whoredom against you.

28But as for me,

Closeness to God is good for me.

I have put my trust in my Lord the Lord

So as to tell of all your works.
