The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 74

1An Instructive Psalm of Asaph.

Why, O God, have you utterly rejected us?

Why does your anger fume over the sheep of your pasture?

2Remember your congregation,

Which you acquired in ancient time.

You redeemed the sceptre of your inheritance

– Mount Zion in which you dwelt.

3Speed up your strides towards the complete ruins

– All the harm the enemy has done in the sanctuary.

4Your adversaries roar in the midst of your assembly;

They have set up their ensigns as portents.

5A man used to be known

By how he could wield axes in a thick wood,

6But now it is wholly its engravings

That they hack at with hatchets and mallets.

7They have set your sanctuary on fire;

They have desecrated your renowned tabernacle,

Bringing it down to the ground.

8They have resolved and said,

“Let us ravage them completely.”

They have burnt all the places of assembly of God

Down to the ground.

9We have not seen our signs;

There is no prophet any more,

And no-one among us knows for how long.

10How long, O God, will the adversary reproach us?

How long will the enemy utterly despise your name?

11Why do you withdraw your hand

– Indeed your right hand –

From the midst of your bosom so completely?

12But God is my king,

Being from ancient time,

Carrying out acts of salvation

In the midst of the land.

13You split the sea in your strength;

You broke the heads of crocodiles in the waters.

14You crushed the heads of Leviathan;

You gave it as food for the inhabitants of the desert.

15You carved out fount and brook;

You dried up powerful rivers.

16Yours is the day;

Yours is the night also.

You prepared the night luminary

And the sun.

17You set all the boundaries of the earth.

As for summer and winter,

You fashioned them.

18Remember this:

An enemy has reproached the Lord,

And a foolish people have despised your name.

19Do not deliver the life of your turtle-dove

To the wild animals.

Do not completely forget

Your poor population.

20Observe the covenant,

For the dark places of the earth

Are full of nests of violence.

21Do not let the ill-treated return ashamed;

May the poor and needy praise your name.

22Arise, O God,

And contend your case;

Remember the reproach on you

From the fool all day long.

23Do not forget the noise of your adversaries;

The tumult of those who rise up against you

Ascends continually.
