The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 90

1A prayer of Moses, the man of God.

O Lord*, you have been a refuge to us

In generation after generation.

2Before the hills were born

– For you gave birth to the earth and world –

You have been God,

And from age to age.

3You reduce men to dust,

And you say,

“Return, O sons of Adam.”

4For a thousand years in your eyes

Are as a day,

Like yesterday that has passed,

And a watch in the night.

5You have swept them away;

They have become like sleep.

In the morning they are like vegetation that flourishes;

6In the morning it flowers and flourishes,

But in the evening it fades and dries up.

7For we waste away at your anger,

And we are terrified at your fury.

8For you have set our iniquities out before you

– Our secret in the light of your presence.

9For all our days face your ire;

We finish our years dolefully.

10The days of our years amount to seventy years,

And if strength permits, eighty years,

But their pride is toil and vanity,

For it hastily passes over,

And we fly away.

11Who knows the intensity of your anger?

For as your fearfulness is,

So is your ire.

12So teach us to count our days

So that we may bring a wise heart.

13Return, O Lord.

How long will it be?

And have compassion on your servants.

14Satiate us in the morning with your kindness,

And let us shout for joy and rejoice

On all our days.

15Bring us joy

Matching the days that you afflicted us

– The years when we saw evil.

16Let your work appear to your servants,

And your splendour to their sons.

17Let the beauty of the Lord* our God be upon us,

And direct the work of our hands in our interest.

So do direct the work of our hands.

Reference(s) in Chapter 90: v.4 ↔ 2 Peter 3:8.
