The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 91

1“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

Resides in the shadow of the Almighty.”

2“I will say to the Lord,

‘My refuge and my fortress

– My God – ’

I will trust in him.”

3“For he will deliver you from the fowler's snare,

And from any harmful plague.

4He will cover you with his wing feathers,

And you will have shelter under his wings.

His truth is your shield and buckler.

5Do not be afraid of any terror of the night,

Nor of an arrow that might fly by day,

6Nor of the plague that is prevalent in the darkness,

Nor of pestilence that ravages at noon.

7A thousand will fall at your side,

And ten thousand on your right hand side.

No-one will be able to approach you.

8You will only have to look with your eyes,

And you will see retribution on the wicked.”

9“For you, O Lord, are my refuge.

O Most High, you have appointed your dwelling place.”

10“No harm will befall you,

And no blow will come near your tent.

11For he will command his angels concerning you

To protect you in all your ways.

12They will bear you upon their hands

Lest you strike your foot on a stone.

13You will tread on the fierce lion and the viper,

And you will trample on the young lion and the crocodile.”

14“For he has set his affection on me,

And I will extricate him.

I will exalt him

Because he knows my name.

15He will call on me,

And I will answer him.

I will be with him in adversity;

I will deliver him and glorify him.

16I will satiate him with length of days,

And I will show him my salvation.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 91: v.11 ↔ Matthew 4:6, Luke 4:10 ● v.12 ↔ Matthew 4:6, Luke 4:11.
