The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 104

1Bless the Lord, O my being;

O Lord my God, you are very great.

You are clothed in majesty and splendour.

2You put on a covering of light like a garment;

You stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

3He who carpenters his upper rooms in the waters,

Who makes thick clouds his chariot,

Who moves around on the wings of the wind,

4Who makes his angels spirits,

And his servants a flaming fire

5Is he who founded the earth on its bases

So that it will not totter,

Age-abidingly and in perpetuity.

6As for the deep, you have covered it as with a garment;

Waters stand over mountains.

7They flee at your rebuke;

At the sound of your thunder,

They hasten away.

8They go up mountains;

They go down valleys,

To the place where you laid a foundation for them.

9You have set a boundary

Which they shall not cross;

They will not again cover the earth.

10You send source water into streams

Which run between the mountains.

11They provide drink for all wildlife;

Wild donkeys quench their thirst.

12Due to them,

The birds of the sky have a habitat;

They utter their call from among the branches.

13He waters the mountains from his upper rooms;

The earth is satiated with the fruit of your works.

14He makes grass grow for cattle,

And herbage for the benefit of man,

So that he can extract food from the earth,

15And wine which cheers the heart of men,

And products from oil to make the face shine,

And food which supports man's heart.

16The Lord's trees are satiated

– The cedars of Lebanon which he planted,

17Where the birds nestle.

As for the stork,

The cypresses are its home.

18The high mountains are home to the mountain goats;

The rocks are a refuge to the rock hyrax.

19He made the moon for the purpose of set times;

The sun knows its time to set.

20You appoint darkness

And it becomes night-time.

In it all the life of the forest crawls around.

21Lions roar for prey

And in seeking their food from God.

22When the sun rises,

They withdraw

And lie down in their dens.

23Man goes out to his work

And to his occupation until evening.

24How great are your deeds, O Lord!

You have performed them all in wisdom.

The earth is full of your property.

25This is the sea,

Great, and as wide as outstretched arms.

In it there is immeasurable creeping life

– Animals great and small.

26There, ships make voyages;

Leviathan is there,

Which you fashioned to play in it.

27They all look to you

To give them their food in its time.

28You provide for them,

And they glean it.

You open your hand,

And they become satiated with goodness.

29When you hide your face,

They are alarmed.

When you gather up their spirit,

They expire

And return to their dust.

30When you send out your spirit,

They are created,

And you renew the face of the ground.

31May the glory of the Lord be age-abiding;

The Lord rejoices in his works.

32When he looks at the earth,

It trembles;

When he strikes mountains,

They emit smoke.

33I will sing to the Lord

While I live;

I will make psalm melody to my God

As long as I exist.

34My meditation about him will be pleasant;

I will rejoice in the Lord.

35Sinners will be eliminated from the land,

And as for the wicked,

There will no longer be any of them.

O my being, bless the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

Reference(s) in Chapter 104: v.4 ↔ Hebrews 1:7.
