The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 105

1Give thanks to the Lord,

Call on his name;

Make his deeds known

Among the various peoples.

2Sing to him,

Make psalm melody to him;

Meditate on all his wonders.

3Boast in his holy name.

Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

4Search for the Lord and his strength;

Seek his presence continually.

5Remember his wonders

Which he has performed

– His miracles

And the judgments of his mouth.

6The seed of Abraham his servant

– The sons of Jacob –

Are his chosen ones.

7He is the Lord our God;

His principles of justice

Are in the whole land.

8He remembers his covenant age-abidingly

– The word he commanded to a thousand generations,

9The covenant which he made with Abraham –

And his oath to Isaac

10Which he established as a statute to Jacob,

And as an age-abiding covenant to Israel,

11When he said,

“To you I will give the land of Canaan,

The allocation of your inheritance”,

12When they were a small company

– Few, but residents in it.

13And they went round from nation to nation

– From one kingdom to another people.

14He did not permit man to oppress them,

And he reproved kings concerning them,

15Saying, “Do not touch my anointed ones,

And do not harm my prophets.”

16Then he called a famine on the land;

He broke every supply of bread.

17He sent a man before them,

One sold as a servant – Joseph.

18They afflicted his feet with fetters;

His being went into iron shackles

19Until the time when his word came.

The utterance of the Lord verified him.

20The king sent orders and released him

– The ruler of nations – who unshackled him.

21He appointed him as master of his house

And ruler over all his possessions,

22With authority to bind his nobles at his will

And to instruct his elders in wisdom.

23Then Israel came to Egypt,

And Jacob dwelt in the land of Ham.

24And he made his people very fruitful,

And he made them stronger than their adversaries.

25He changed their heart to hate his people

– To plot against his servants.

26He sent Moses his servant

And Aaron whom he had chosen.

27They performed the matters of his signs among them

And the miracles in the land of Ham.

28He sent darkness and made it dark,

And they did not rebel against his word.

29He turned their water to blood

And caused their fish to die.

30Their land swarmed with frogs

Which came into the rooms of their kings.

31He spoke, and the gadfly came,

And lice in all of their country.

32He transformed their rain into hail,

And there was blazing fire in their land.

33And he struck their vines and their fig trees

And broke the trees of their territory.

34He spoke, and the swarming locusts came,

And the devouring locusts,

Which were countless in number.

35And they ate all the herbage in their land,

And they consumed the fruit of their ground.

36Then he struck every firstborn in their land

– The prime of all their strength.

37And he brought them out with silver and gold,

And there was no-one in their tribes who faltered.

38Egypt was pleased at their departure,

For a feeling of dread of them had fallen upon them.

39He spread out a cloud as a covering,

And a fire to give light by night.

40The people asked, and he brought quails,

And he satiated them with bread of heaven.

41He opened a rock, and water flowed;

It ran like a river in an arid place.

42For he remembered his holy word

And Abraham his servant.

43And he brought out his people with rejoicing

– His elect with singing for joy.

44And he gave them lands of the Gentiles,

And they inherited the labours of various peoples,

45So that they might keep his statutes

And maintain his laws.

Praise the Lord.
