The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 106

1Praise the Lord;

Give thanks to the Lord,

For he is good,

For his kindness is age-abiding.

2Who can put the Lord's mighty deeds into words

Or express all his praiseworthiness?

3Happy are those who maintain justice

And he who acts righteously at all times.

4Remember me, O Lord,

In good pleasure towards your people;

Visit me with your salvation

5So as to see the goodness towards your elect,

To rejoice in the joy of your nation

And to boast with your inheritance.

6We have sinned,

Along with our fathers.

We have committed iniquity;

We have acted wickedly.

7Our fathers in Egypt did not profit from the instruction of your wonders.

They did not remember the abundance of your kind deeds,

And they rebelled at the sea

– At the Red Sea.

8But he saved them for his name's sake,

To make his might known.

9So he rebuked the Red Sea,

And it dried up,

And he led them through the depths

As though through the desert.

10Then he saved them from the hand of him who hated them,

And he redeemed them from the grip of the enemy.

11But the water covered their adversaries;

Not one of them remained.

12Then they believed his words,

And they sang his praise.

13But they quickly forgot his works,

And they did not wait for his counsel.

14And they had a great longing in the desert,

And they tempted God in the wasteland.

15Then he granted them their request.

Then he sent leanness to their condition.

16At this they envied Moses in the camp,

And Aaron the Lord's holy man.

17The earth opened and swallowed Dathan,

And it smothered the confederacy of Abiram.

18And a fire burned in their confederacy;

A flame set the wicked on fire.

19They made a calf at Horeb,

And they worshipped a cast image.

20And they exchanged my glory

For the likeness of an ox that eats grass.

21They forgot God their saviour,

Who performed great deeds in Egypt,

22Wonders in the land of Ham

And awesome deeds at the Red Sea.

23Then he declared that he would have destroyed them

If Moses his chosen one had not stood at the breach before him

To turn away his fury

From ravaging them.

24And they rejected the pleasant land;

They did not believe his word.

25And they grumbled in their tents;

They did not listen to the voice of the Lord.

26Then he raised his hand against them

To strike them down in the desert

27And to strike their seed down among the Gentiles

And to scatter them among the various countries.

28Then they yoked themselves to Baal-Peor,

And they ate sacrifices offered to the dead.

29And they provoked him to anger by their deeds,

So that a plague broke out among them.

30But Phinehas stood up and acted as judge,

So the plague was arrested.

31And it was accounted to him as righteousness

For generation after generation age-abidingly.

32Then they angered him at the waters of Meribah,

And it was hurtful to Moses because of them,

33For they resisted his spirit.

Then he spoke rashly with his lips.

34They did not destroy the peoples

Which the Lord had told them to.

35Then they mingled with the Gentiles,

And they learned their practices,

36And they served their idols,

Which became a snare to them.

37Then they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons.

38So they shed innocent blood

– The blood of their sons and their daughters

Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan –

And the land was defiled with blood.

39So they became unclean through their practices,

And they prostituted themselves through their actions.

40And the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people,

And he loathed his own inheritance.

41And he delivered them into the hands of Gentiles,

And those who hated them

Ruled over them.

42And their enemies oppressed them,

And they were brought low under their power.

43Many were the times that he delivered them,

But they rebelled in their counsel,

And they degenerated in their iniquity.

44But he had an eye to their adversity

When he heard their crying out.

45He remembered his covenant which they had,

And he had compassion

According to the abundance of his kindness.

46Then he made them objects of mercy

Before all those who had held them in captivity.

47Save us, O Lord our God,

And gather us out of the Gentiles

To give thanks to your holy name

And to exult in praise of you.

48Blessed be the Lord God of Israel

From age to age,

And let all the people say,

“Amen, praise the Lord.”
