The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 144

1A Psalm of David.

Blessed be the Lord my rock,

Who teaches my hands battle,

And my fingers war

2– My kindness, my fortress, my high stronghold,

And my deliverer, my shield,

In whom I trust,

Who subdues my people under me.

3O Lord, what is man,

That you should know him?

– The son of man,

That you should consider him?

4Man resembles vapour;

His days are like a shadow passing by.

5O Lord, take leave of your heavens,

And come down;

Strike the mountains,

And they will smoke.

6Flash lightning and scatter them;

Send your arrows and rout them.

7Send your hands from above;

Snatch me away,

And deliver me from great waters

– From the hand of foreigners,

8Whose mouths speak a lie,

And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

9O God, I will sing a new song to you;

With the ten-stringed lute I will make psalm melody to you.

10It is he who gives salvation to kings;

It is he who snatches David his servant away from an evil sword.

11Snatch me away and deliver me from the hand of foreigners,

Whose mouths speak a lie,

And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

12It is he through whom our sons may be like plants raised in their youth,

And our daughters like cornerstones

Hewn in a form fit for a palace,

13And through whom our granaries may be full,

Supplying all kinds of needs,

And through whom our flocks may bear thousands,

And tens of thousands in our open places,

14And through whom our cattle may be with young,

And that there may be no invasion or deportation

Or cry of sorrow in our open places.

15Happy is the people who have such a situation;

Happy is the people whose God is the Lord.

Reference(s) in Chapter 144: v.3 ↔ Hebrews 2:6.
