The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Psalms Chapter 145

1A Psalm of Praise of David.

I will exalt you, my God the king,

And I will bless your name

Age-abidingly and perpetually.

2I will bless you every day,

And I will praise your name

Age-abidingly and perpetually.

3Great is the Lord,

And very much worthy of praise.

And of his greatness there is no searching out.

4One generation will praise your works to the next generation,

And they will relate your mighty deeds.

5I will speak of the splendour of your majestic glory

And the details of your wonders.

6And they shall speak of the power of your awesome deeds,

Whilst I will recount your great acts.

7They will utter remembrance of your great goodness,

And they will sing out of your righteousness.

8The Lord is gracious and merciful,

Forbearing and of great kindness.

9The Lord is good to all,

And his mercies are with all his works.

10All your works give cause for praising you, O Lord,

And those under your grace will bless you.

11They will speak of the glory of your kingdom

And talk of your might,

12To make his mighty deeds known to the sons of Adam,

And the illustrious glory of his kingdom.

13Your kingdom is a kingdom of all ages,

And your rule is over each and every generation.

14The Lord supports all who fall,

And he straightens up all who are bent double.

15The eyes of all look to you,

And you give them their food in due time.

16You open your hand

And satisfy the appetite of every living being.

17The Lord is righteous in all his ways

And benevolent in all his works.

18The Lord is near to all those calling on him

– To all who call on him in truth.

19He will bring about the desire of those who fear him,

And he will hear their crying out,

And he will save them.

20The Lord keeps all those who love him,

But he will destroy all the wicked.

21My mouth will speak the Lord's praise,

And all flesh will bless his holy name

Age-abidingly and perpetually.

Reference(s) in Chapter 145: v.17 ↔ Revelation 15:3.
