The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Proverbs Chapter 8

1Does not wisdom call out?

And does not understanding raise its voice?

2On the most prominent position on the road,

At the crossroads, there it stands;

3At the side of the gates,

At the way into the city

At the entrance doors –

There it cries out.

4You men, to you I call out,

And to you sons of Adam, I direct my voice.

5You gullible ones, understand shrewdness,

And you fools, understand strength of character.

6Hear, for I will speak of noble things,

While opening my lips with upright matters.

7For my palate savours the truth,

But wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

8All the sayings of my mouth are in righteousness;

There is nothing crooked or perverse in them.

9They are all straightforward to him who understands,

And upright to those who find knowledge.

10Accept my correction, and not silver,

And knowledge rather than choice gold.

11For wisdom is better than red corals,

And no material desires can be compared to it.

12I, wisdom, abide in shrewdness,

And I acquire the faculty of thoughtfulness.

13The fear of the Lord is to hate evil,

Pride, and arrogance and an evil way.

And I hate a mouth speaking subversive things.

14I have counsel and resourcefulness.

I am understanding.

I have valour.

15By me, kings reign,

And potentates legislate justice.

16By me princes rule, and leaders

– All those who administer justice.

17I love those who love me.

And those who seek me diligently

Will find me.

18Riches and honour accompany me

– Resplendent wealth and righteousness.

19My fruit is better than a gold nugget or a fine gold ingot,

And my produce is better than choice silver.

20I walk in the way of righteousness

– Within the paths of justice,

21By bestowing wealth on those who love me,

As I fill their treasuries.

22The Lord acquired me at the beginning of his way,

Before his works since then

23– Before the age came about.

I was appointed in advance,

Before the things preceding the earth.

24When there were no deep waters,

I was brought forth

– When there were no sources well endowed with water.

25Before the mountains were settled in place,

Before the hills existed,

I was brought forth.

26Before he had made the earth and the open spaces,

When the particles of the earth were the starting point,

27When he prepared the heavens,

I was there.

And when he determined a sphere over the surface of the deep,

28When he made the skies above firm,

When he gave strength to the fountains of the deep,

29When he issued his statute to the sea

That the waters should not exceed his dictum,

When he decreed the foundations of the earth,

30I was with him constantly,

And I was his delight day by day,

Rejoicing in his presence all the time,

31Rejoicing in the inhabitants of his earth,

And my delights were with the sons of Adam.

32So now, you sons, hear me,

For happy are they who keep my ways.

33Hear correction,

And become wise,

And do not reject it.

34Happy is the man who hears me,

So that he watches at my doors daily,

Guarding at the posts of my doors,

35For he who finds me has found life,

And he obtains favour from the Lord.

36But he who sins against me,

Does violence to himself;

All who hate me love death.”
