The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Proverbs Chapter 9

1Wisdom has built its house;

It has hewn out its seven pillars.

2It has slaughtered its animal for the slaughter,

It has blended its wine;

It has also laid its table.

3It has sent out its maidservants;

It will call out on the city hilltops,

4“Whoever is gullible,

Let him turn this way.”

As for the weak-minded, it says to him,

5“Come and partake of my bread,

And drink the wine I have blended.

6Leave the gullible and live,

And proceed on the way of understanding.

7He who admonishes a mocker

Reaps contempt,

And he who reproves a wicked man,

Becomes tarnished.

8Do not reprove a mocker

In case he hates you for it;

Reprove a wise man,

And he will love you for it.

9Give wisdom to the wise man,

And he will become wiser still;

Inform the righteous,

And he will increase in learning.

10The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord,

And understanding is knowledge of holy matters.

11For it is by me that your days are multiplied,

And years of life are added to you.

12If you gain wisdom,

You gain wisdom for yourself,

But if you mock,

You will bear it on your own.”

13A foolish wife is restive,

Gullible, and she does not know anything.

14And she sits at the door of her house

Or on a chair in the prominent places of the city,

15To call out to those passing by on the road,

Who are going straight on their way,

16To whoever is gullible,

That he should turn aside there.

And she says to the weak-minded,

17“Stolen waters are sweet,

And secret bread is delightful.”

18But he doesn't know that the Rephaim are there;

Those she has called out

Are in the depths of the grave.
