The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024

Song of S.

Song of Solomon Chapter 6

1“Where has your lover gone,

O most beautiful among women?

Which way has your lover turned?

Then let us look for him with you.”

2“My lover went down to his garden,

To the raised beds of balsam

To graze in the gardens

And to gather lilies.

3I belong to my lover,

And my lover belongs to me,

The one grazing among the lilies.”

4“You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,

As delightful as Jerusalem,

As awe-inspiring as a display of banners.

5Turn your eyes away from me,

For they have excited me.

Your hair is like a flock of goats

Which shine from Gilead.

6Your teeth are like a flock of ewes

Which have come up from the washing-place,

Which are all paired,

And among which none is bereft of young.

7Your cheek is like the segment of a pomegranate

Through your veil.

8There are sixty queens and eighty mistresses,

And virgins without number.

9But there is just one of my dove,

My undefiled.

She is the only one of her mother's;

She is the favourite of her who bore her.

The daughters saw her and blessed her,

And the queens and mistresses praised her

And said,

10‘Who is this peeping out like the dawn,

As beautiful as the moon,

As clear as the sun,

As awesome as a display of banners?’ ”

11“I went down to the nut garden

To see the plant life of the valley,

To see if the vine was blossoming

If the pomegranates were blooming.

12I don't know how I landed myself

In the chariots of my noble people.”

13“Come back, come back, O Shulamite, come back.

Come back, and let us look at you.”

“What do you see in the Shulamite?”

You are like the dance of Mahanaim.
