The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024

Song of S.

Song of Solomon Chapter 7

1How beautiful your feet are in your shoes,

O daughter of a noble.

Your figure at your thighs is like necklaces

– Craftsmanship in the hands of an artisan.

2Your navel is like a round bowl;

Let it not lack spiced wine.

Your stomach is a pile of wheat

Enclosed by lilies.

3Your two breasts are like two deer fawn

– Twins of the gazelle hind.

4Your neck is like a tower of ivory.

Your eyes are pools in Heshbon

At the Gate of Bath-Rabbim.

Your nose is like the Tower of Lebanon,

Which looks out towards Damascus.

5Your head rests on you like Carmel,

And the locks of your head are like purple material;

The king is captivated by the shocks of hair.

6How beautiful you are and how delightful you are,

O love among the pleasures!

7This stature of yours is like a date palm,

And your breasts are like bunches of grapes.

8I said, ‘I will go up to the date palm;

I will take hold of its palm-branches.’

And now may your breasts become like bunches of grapes of the vine,

And the smell of your nose like apples.

9And your mouth is like good wine

Going straight to my beloved,

Flowing past the lips of the sleepy.”

10“I am my lover's,

And his desire is for me.

11Come, my lover, let us go out into the countryside;

Let us lodge in the villages.

12Let us get up early to go to the vineyards;

Let us see whether the vine is blossoming,

Whether the vine blossom has opened,

Whether the pomegranates have flourished.

There I will give you my love.

13The mandrakes give a fragrance,

And at our gates are all kinds of exquisite fruit,

Both new and old, my lover,

Which I have stowed away for you.
