The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 26

1On that day, this song will be sung in the land of Judah:

We have a strong city;

He will provide salvation

Like walls and fortifications.

2Open the gates,

And let a righteous nation enter,

One which keeps to what is faithful.

3You will keep him in deep peace

Whose thoughts are to rely on you,

For it is in you that he trusts.

4Trust in the Lord in all perpetuity,

For the rock of the ages

Is found in the Lord, the Lord.

5For he brings down those who dwell in a high place

In a town at high elevation.

He will raze it,

He will raze it to the ground;

He will bring it to the dust.

6A foot – the feet of the poor –

Will trample on it,

As will the steps of the needy.

7The way of the righteous is straight;

You make the path of the righteous

Straight and level.

8Indeed, O Lord, we have waited for you

In the way of your judgments.

The longing of our inner being

Is for your name

And for remembrance of you.

9My inner being longs for you at night,

My spirit also inside me seeks you at dawn.

For when your judgments are given on the earth,

The inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.

10Although the wicked man may be shown favour,

He does not learn righteousness.

In an upright land, he acts iniquitously,

And he will not see the majesty of the Lord.

11O Lord, your hand is high;

They do not see it,

But they will see the zeal of the people

And be ashamed.

Indeed, fire will consume your adversaries.

12O Lord, you arrange peace for us,

For you are even the one at work in all our deeds for us.

13O Lord our God,

Various masters other than you have had dominion over us,

But yours is the only name that we make mention of.

14They are dead,

They shall not live,

The Rephaim shall not rise,

Which is why you have visited them and destroyed them

And have obliterated all memory of them.

15You have enlarged the nation, O Lord,

You have increased the nation.

You are glorified;

You have extended all the boundaries of the land.

16In distress they appealed to you, O Lord;

They poured out whispering

When they were receiving your discipline.

17As a pregnant woman who is about to give birth,

Who writhes and shouts in her birth pangs,

So were we before you, O Lord.

18We have conceived,

We have been through birth pangs,

But it is as if we have given birth to wind,

Not to salvation which we were to bring to the earth,

Nor did any inhabitants of the earth come out of the womb.

19Your dead, and my dead body,

Will live and rise.

Awake, and sing for joy,

You who lie in the dust,

For your dew is resplendent dew,

But the earth will bring down the Rephaim.

20Go, my people,

Enter your rooms,

Close your doors after you;

Hide for a very little while

Until the indignation has passed.

21For behold, the Lord is about to come out of his place

To requite the iniquity of the inhabitants of the land.

And the earth will reveal its blood,

And it will no longer cover up

Those killed which it holds.
