The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 27

1On that day the Lord will requite

With his firm and large and strong sword

Leviathan the fugitive serpent,

And Leviathan the crooked serpent,

And he will kill the monster in the sea.

2On that day,

Sing to her of a delightful vineyard.

3I am the Lord who guards it;

I water it from time to time.

So that no-one encroaches on it,

I guard it night and day.

4I am not furious;

Who would assign me to briars and thorns in war?

I would march against them;

I would set them on fire

In one go.

5Or who would seize my stronghold?

Let him make peace with me;

Let it be peace that he makes with me.

6When they come,

Jacob will strike root,

Israel will flower and flourish,

And the face of the world will be full of fruit.

7Has he attacked him

Like the attack of the one attacking him?

Or has he been killed

In a way like the killing of those killed by him?

8In moderation, when you sent them away,

You disputed with them.

He expelled them by means of his harsh wind,

On the day of the east wind.

9So by this means,

Jacob's iniquity will be atoned for,

And this is all the fruit of removing his sin,

When he makes all the stones of the altar

Like chalk stones which are dashed to pieces.

The phallic parks and the sun-images

Shall not stand.

10For a fortified city will be forlorn;

A dwelling place will be forsaken

And abandoned like the desert.

There the calf will graze,

And there it will lie down,

And eat from its branches.

11When its harvest is dried up,

They will be broken.

Women will come to set it on fire,

For it is not a people of understanding,

Which is why their maker

Will not show them compassion,

And he who formed them

Will not show them mercy.

12And it will come to pass on that day

That the Lord will thresh you out,

From the rising of the river

To the Brook of Egypt,

And you will be gleaned up one by one,

You sons of Israel.

13And it will come to pass on that day

That the great ramshorn will be sounded,

And those who were about to perish in the land of Assyria will come,

As will those driven out in the land of Egypt,

And they will worship the Lord

In the holy mountain in Jerusalem.

Reference(s) in Chapter 27: v.9 ↔ Romans 11:27.
