The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 32

1Behold, a king will reign in righteousness,

And men will rule as officials for justice.

2And a man will be like a shelter from the wind,

And a refuge from a downpour;

Like springs of water in a dry region,

Like the shadow of a massive rock

In a weary land.

3And the eyes of those who see

Will not look away,

And the ears of those who hear

Will be attentive.

4And the heart of the hasty

Will understand the importance of having knowledge,

And the tongue of the stammerers

Will be fluent in speaking clearly.

5The fool will no longer be called noble,

And the miser will not be said to be generous.

6For the fool will speak folly,

And his heart will occupy itself with vanity

In perpetrating profanity,

In speaking error to the Lord,

In draining the energy of the hungry,

And causing the drink of the thirsty

To be lacking.

7And the methods of the miser are wicked.

He decides on schemings

To take advantage of the poor

With deceitful talk,

Whereas when the needy man speaks,

It is for justice.

8And the generous man decides on generosity,

And by generosity he will stand.

9You women who are at ease,

Arise and hear my voice;

You confident daughters,

Listen to my discourse.

10For many days annually,

You will be agitated,

You confident women,

For the grape harvest will fail

– The ingathering will not come.

11Tremble, you women at ease,

Be awestruck, you confident women;

Strip off and be naked,

Then gird up your waist.

12Babes lament for the breasts;

Parents for the delightful fields

– For the fruitful vine.

13On the land of my people

The thistle and the briar will come up,

For they will be over all joyous households,

In the delightful town.

14For the castle will be abandoned,

The liveliness of the city will disappear;

The raised ground and the watchtower will become dens age-abidingly

– The joy of wild asses,

And pasture for flocks –

15Until a spirit is poured out on us from above,

And the desert becomes a well-cultivated plain,

And the well-cultivated plain

Is considered a forest.

16And justice will prevail

In the desert,

And righteousness will be prevalent

In the well-cultivated plain.

17And the accomplishment of righteousness

Will be peace,

And the work of rectitude

Will be quietness and security age-abidingly.

18And my people will dwell

In a peaceful abode,

And in secure dwelling places,

And in quiet resting places.

19And when hail comes down in the forest,

The city will lie low in the lowland.

20Blessed are you who sow

Wherever there is water,

And who drive the ox and the donkey.
