The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 33

1Woe to the plunderer,

You who were not plundered,

And to the traitor,

Him whom no-one betrayed.

When you stop plundering,

You will be plundered,

When you finish betraying,

You will be betrayed.

2O Lord, be gracious to us;

We have put our hope in you.

Be their strong arm in the mornings,

And also our salvation

In a time of adversity.

3At the sound of a multitude,

The various peoples will flee;

At your exaltation,

The nations will be scattered.

4And your plunder will be gathered

Like a swarm of consuming locusts;

They will be greedy for it,

Like the greed of desert locusts.

5The Lord is exalted,

For he inhabits the heights;

He will fill Zion

With justice and righteousness.

6And the abundance of acts of salvation, wisdom and knowledge

Will be the mainstay of your times,

And fear of the Lord

Will be his treasure.

7Behold, their heroes will cry out in the open;

The messengers of peace will weep bitterly.

8The highways will be devastated;

The wayfarer will cease to be found.

He will break the covenant,

He will show contempt for the cities;

He will not consider man.

9The earth mourns and is languishing,

And Lebanon is ashamed and is withering.

Sharon has become like an arid tract,

And Bashan and Carmel

Have cast off their foliage.

10“Now I will arise”,

The Lord will say,

“Now I will be exalted;

Now I will be extolled.

11You will conceive stubble;

You will give birth to chaff.

Your own fiery breath will consume you.

12And nations will be like the burning of lime;

They will be set on fire,

Like thorn plants that have been cut down.

13Hear, you who are far away,

What I have done,

And know, you who are nearby, my might.”

14The sinners in Zion will be afraid;

Trembling will seize the profane.

Who among us can withstand a consuming fire?

Who among us can withstand

Age-abiding burning?

15As for him who walks righteously

And speaks uprightly,

Rejecting unjust gain

From fraudulent practices,

Dismissing with a wave of his hands

Any offer of a bribe,

Shutting his ear

So as not to hear plots of bloodshed,

And closing his eyes

So as not to see plans for evil,

16He will dwell high up;

His high fort is a citadel of rock.

His food is provided for;

His water supply is reliable.

17Your eyes will see the king in his magnificence;

They will see a far-stretching land.

18Your heart will be taken up with dread.

Where is the scribe?

Where is the weigher?

Where is he who counts the towers?

19You will not see a fierce people,

Nor a people of unintelligible speech,

Jabbering in a tongue

Not understood.

20Behold Zion,

Town of our festival times.

Your eyes will see Jerusalem,

A dwelling place at ease,

A tent which does not move around,

Whose pegs do not for ever journey,

And none of whose guylines are detached.

21For the mighty Lord will be there,

As our place of rivers

– Watercourses – very wide ones.

No galley will go into it,

And no mighty ship will pass through it.

22For the Lord is our judge,

The Lord is our legislator,

The Lord is our king;

He will save us.

23Your rigging has been loosened,

They have not strengthened the base of their mast;

They have not unfurled a sail.

Then the booty of much spoil is divided;

The lame grab the plunder.

24And the inhabitant will not say,

“I am ill.”

The people who live in it

Are forgiven their iniquity.
