The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 43

1And now, this is what the Lord,

Your creator, O Jacob,

And your fashioner, O Israel,


“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you.

I have called you by your name;

You are mine.

2When you cross over water,

I will be with you,

And when you traverse rivers,

They will not overwhelm you.

When you go through fire,

You will not be scorched,

And not a flame will burn you.

3For I am the Lord your God,

The holy one of Israel,

Your saviour.

I have given Egypt as a ransom for you,

And Ethiopia and Seba on behalf of you,

4Because you are precious in my eyes;

You are honoured, and I love you,

And I will give a man for you,

And nations for your existence.

5Do not fear, for I am with you.

I will bring your seed from the east,

And I will gather you from the west.

6I will say to the north,

‘Give them up’,

And to the south,

‘Do not shut them in.’

Bring my sons from afar,

And my daughters from the end of the earth.

7I created everyone who is called by my name,

And it is for my glory.

I fashioned him;

Indeed, I made him.

8Bring out the blind people

Who nevertheless have eyes,

And the deaf,

Who nevertheless have ears.

9All the Gentiles will be gathered together,

And the nations will be assembled.

Who among them can recount this,

And proclaim to us the former things?

Let them produce their witnesses,

And be justified.

Or let them hear, and let them say,

It is the truth.’

10You are my witnesses,

Says the Lord,

And my servant whom I have chosen,

So that you may know and believe me,

And understand that I am he.

Before me no God was fashioned

Nor will there be after me.

11I, I am the Lord,

And there is no saviour besides me.

12I have declared it,

And I have saved,

And I have proclaimed it,

While among you there is nothing extraneous,

And you are my witnesses,

Says the Lord,

And I am God.

13Indeed, since the existence of a day,

I am he,

And there is no-one who delivers from my hand.

I act,

And who can avert it?”

14This is what the Lord, your redeemer,

The holy one of Israel, says:

“For your sake I have sent a force to Babylon,

And I have brought down all the fugitives,

And the Chaldeans are in outcry in their ships.

15I am the Lord your holy one,

The creator of Israel,

Your king.”

16This is what the Lord

– Who makes a passage in the sea,

And a route in raging water,

17Who brings out chariot and horse,

An army and a force – says:

“They will lie down together,

They will not get up,

They will be extinguished;

They will be snuffed out like a wick.

18Do not remember the former things,

And do not consider ancient matters.

19I am about to make something new

– It will spring up now.

Do you not know it?

Indeed, I will build a road in the desert

And establish rivers in the wasteland.

20The wildlife will glorify me

– The jackals and the ostriches –

Because I will have given them water in the desert

And rivers in the wasteland,

To give drink to my chosen people

21– A people whom I fashioned for myself,

Who will relate my praiseworthiness.

22And it is not that you called me, O Jacob,

For you have grown weary of me,

O Israel.

23You have not brought me the sheep

For your burnt offerings,

And you have not honoured me with your sacrifices.

I have not overburdened you with the meal-offering,

And I have not wearied you with incense.

24You have not bought me sweet cane with money,

And you have not satiated me with the fat of your sacrifices,

But you have overburdened me with your sins

And wearied me with your iniquities.

25I, I am he

Who wipes out your trespasses

For my own sake,

And I will not remember your sins.

26Bring me to remembrance;

Let us appeal to law together.

Put your case

So that you may be justified.

27Your first father sinned,

And your mediators have transgressed against me.

28So I have profaned the holy officiators,

And I have consigned Jacob to condemnation,

And Israel to reproaches.

Reference(s) in Chapter 43: v.19 ↔ Revelation 21:5.
