The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 44

1But now, hear, O Jacob my servant,

And Israel, whom I have chosen.

2This is what the Lord

– Your maker and your fashioner from the womb,

Who will help you – says:

Do not fear, Jacob, my servant,

And Jeshurun

Whom I have chosen.

3For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,

And precipitation on dry land.

I will pour my spirit on your seed,

And my blessing on your descendants,

4And they will sprout up among the vegetation

Like willows by streams of water.

5One will say, ‘I belong to the Lord’,

And another will call out in the name of Jacob,

While another will write by hand,

‘Of the Lord’,

And he will designate himself

By the name Israel.”

6This is what the Lord

– The king of Israel,

And his kinsman redeemer,

The Lord of hosts – says:

“I am the first

And I am the last,

And besides me there is no God.

7And who, being like me,

Has been able to proclaim and describe it,

And arrange it for me,

Since I appointed an age-abiding people?

And let them describe to them

The things to come

And those which will arrive.

8Do not fear and do not be afraid.

Have I not informed you previously

And described it,

While you are my witnesses?

Is there a God besides me?

Indeed there is no rock;

I do not know of any.

9As for the fashioners of an idol,

They are all a cause of ruin,

And their sought-after objects

Are of no benefit.

And they are their own witnesses

– They do not see, and they do not know.

So they will be ashamed.

10Who is it who forms a god

Or casts an idol

– Which is to no avail?

11You will see that all his colleagues will be put to shame

– Those who are artisans from among men.

Let them all assemble,

Let them take a stand,

But they will fear

And all be put to shame together.

12The blacksmith with a chisel,

As he works at burning coal,

Fashions it with a hammer,

And works at it with his strong arm,

Even if he is hungry

And has no strength

And has not drunk water

And has become weary.

13The woodcarver applies a straight edge,

And delineates it with a stylus,

And processes the wood with a plane,

And marks it out with a pair of compasses,

And makes it in the shape of a man,

In the elegance of a human,

To stand in a house.

14He chops down some cedars for himself

And takes some holm-oak and oak

And encourages himself with the trees of the forest,

And he plants mountain ash,

And the rain makes them grow.

15And the wood becomes something for a man to burn,

And he takes some of the logs and warms himself,

And he also fires up an oven and bakes bread,

Yet he also fashions a god

And worships it;

He makes it into an idol

And prostrates himself to it.

16He burns half of it in a fire,

He eats meat cooked on half of it,

And roasts a joint,

And has his fill,

And also warms himself and says,

‘Ah, I have become warm;

I have provided myself with a fire.’

17Then he turns the rest of it into a god

– Into his idol –

And prostrates himself to it

And worships it

And prays to it and says,

‘Save me,

For you are my god.’

18They do not know,

And they do not understand,

For he has covered over their eyes

So that they do not see,

And their hearts

So that they do not perceive.

19And no-one lays it to heart,

And there is no knowledge and no understanding,

Whereby they would say,

‘I have burned part in a fire,

And I have also used some for baking bread on its hot embers;

I have roasted meat and eaten it,

So shall I make the rest an abomination,

And prostrate myself to a wooden product?’

20He feeds on ash;

A deluded heart has misguided him,

And he cannot save his life,

And he cannot say,

Isn't there something false

In my right hand?’

21Remember these things, O Jacob,

And Israel, that you are my servant.

I fashioned you;

You are my servant.

Israel, you will not be forgotten by me.

22I have wiped out your transgressions

Like a thick cloud,

And your sins

Like a raincloud.

Come back to me,

For I have redeemed you.

23Be jubilant, O heavens,

For the Lord has taken action.

Shout out, you lower parts of the earth;

Break out into jubilation, you mountains,

You forest and all the trees within,

For the Lord has redeemed Jacob,

And glorifies himself in Israel.

24This is what the Lord

– Your redeemer and your fashioner from the womb –


I am the Lord,

Who is the maker of everything,

Who stretches out the heavens on my own,

Who pitched the earth – who did so with me? –

25Who obstructs false signs,

And who puts magicians to shame,

Who refutes the wise,

And who shows the fallacy of their knowledge,

26Who brings to pass the word of his servant

And fulfils the counsel committed to his messengers,

Who says to Jerusalem,

‘You will be inhabited’,

And to the cities of Judah,

‘You will be rebuilt’,

For I will restore her desolate places,

27I who say to the deep,

‘Become dry’,

And I dry your rivers up,

28I who say to Cyrus,

‘My shepherd.’

And he will fulfil all my desire

And say to Jerusalem,

‘You will be rebuilt’,

And to the temple,

‘You will be founded.’

Reference(s) in Chapter 44: v.6 ↔ Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:17, Revelation 2:8, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:13;, Revelation 1:11.
