The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 46

1Bel has collapsed, Nebo is buckling;

They were their idols,

Modelled on wild animals and cattle,

Things you carried as burdens

– A wearisome load.

2They have buckled and collapsed together;

They could not save the carried load,

And they themselves have gone into captivity.

3Hear me, house of Jacob,

And all the remainder of the house of Israel,

Who have been sustained from the time of the belly,

Who have been nurtured since the womb.

4Up to your old age,

I am he,

And I will support you up to advanced years.

I act and I nurture,

And I support and deliver.

5To whom will you compare me

And make me equal?

Or liken me,

So that we may be similar?

6They shake out gold from a bag

And weigh silver by the beam of a balance.

They hire a metalworker,

And he makes it into a god.

Then they prostrate themselves,

And indeed they worship.

7They lift it up;

They carry it on the shoulder

And put it down in its place,

And it stands there.

It does not move away from its place.

Moreover, if one cries out to it,

It does not answer.

It cannot save a person from his distress.

8Remember this

And show yourselves men;

Lay this, you transgressors,

To heart again.

9Remember the former things of old,

For I am God,

And there is no other.

I am God,

And there is no-one like me,

10Who tells from the start the final state,

And from old time things which have not been done,

Who says,

‘My counsel will stand firm,

And I will carry out all of my will.’

11I call a bird of prey from the east

– The man on whom I have decided –

From a distant country.

I have spoken,

And I will bring it to pass;

I have designed it,

And I will also carry it out.

12Listen to me,

You stout-hearted men,

Who are far from righteousness.

13I have brought my righteousness near;

It is not far away,

And my salvation will not be long coming.

And I have appointed salvation in Zion for Israel my splendour.
