The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Isaiah Chapter 47

1Come down and sit on the dust,

You virgin daughter of Babylon;

Sit on the ground where there is no chair,

You daughter of the Chaldeans,

For you will no longer have them calling you

Tender and delicate.

2Take the millstones and grind flour,

Uncover your veil,

Lift the train of your robe,

Uncover the calf of your leg;

Cross the rivers.

3Let your nakedness be revealed;

Let also your ignominy be seen.

I will take revenge;

I will not regard a man with favour.

4As for our redeemer,

His name is the Lord of hosts

– The holy one of Israel.

5Sit in silence and go into darkness,

You daughter of the Chaldeans,

For you will no longer have them calling you

The Lady of Kingdoms.

6I have been angry with my people;

I have profaned my inheritance

And delivered them into your hand.

You did not show them mercy;

You made your yoke on an old man

Very heavy.

7And you have said,

‘I will be the lady age-abidingly.’

But during all this time you have not laid these things to heart,

Nor have you called her final state to mind.

8And now, hear this, you delicate one,

Who sits in security,

Who says in her heart,

‘I am the one,

And there is no-one besides me.

I shall not sit as a widow,

And I shall not know bereavement of children.’

9But these two things will come over you,

In a moment, on one day,

Bereavement of children, and widowhood.

In their entirety they will come over you,

For the abundance of your sorceries,

For the great profusion of your incantations.

10And you trusted in your wickedness;

You said, ‘There is no-one who can see me.’

It is your wisdom and your knowledge which have turned you away,

And you say in your heart,

‘I am the one,

And there is no-one besides me.’

11And evil will come over you,

And you will not know its origin,

And calamity will befall you,

Which you will not be able to avert,

And destruction will come over you suddenly,

When you are unaware.

12Stand firm in your incantations, then,

And in the profusion of your sorceries,

With which you have exhausted yourself from your youth.

Maybe you can benefit;

Maybe you will instil fear.

13You weary yourself with the large number of your consultations.

So let the astrologers who foresee by the stars

And make things known by new moons

Stand up and save you

From what will come over you.

14Look, they are like stubble;

Fire will burn them up.

They cannot save themselves

From the reach of the flame.

It will not be burning coals to warm oneself,

Or a fire to sit around.

15This is what will become

Of what you have wearied yourself with.

Those merchants of yours from your youth

Have each gone astray in his own direction.

You do not have a saviour.

Reference(s) in Chapter 47: v.8 ↔ Revelation 18:7.
