The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.34.0, 28 May 2024


Isaiah Chapter 48

1Hear this, house of Jacob,

Who are called by the name of Israel,

And who came out of the waters of Judah,

Who swear by the name of the Lord,

And who make mention of the God of Israel,

But not in truth

And not in righteousness.

2For they are called a people from the holy city,

Who trust in the God of Israel

– The Lord of hosts is his name.

3I have foretold the first things,

And they proceeded from my mouth,

And I proclaimed them.

Then suddenly I perform them,

And they come to pass,

4Because I know that you are stubborn,

And that your neck has an iron sinew,

And that you have a brazen forehead.

5And I have told you beforehand

– Before it came about,

I proclaimed it to you –

So that you cannot say,

‘My idol performed those things’,

Or, ‘My carved image and my cast figure commanded them.’

6You have heard, ‘Look at all this.’

And will you not announce it?

I have proclaimed to you new things, recently,

And secret things

Which you have not known.

7They are being created now

– And not in the past,

Before the day,

Before you had heard –

So that you cannot say,

‘Look, I knew these things.’

8You neither heard it nor knew it,

Nor has your ear been open since then,

For I knew that you would take to dealing treacherously.

So you have been called

A transgressor from the womb.

9For the sake of my name I will defer my anger,

And for my praiseworthiness I will restrain myself from you,

So as not to cut you off.

10Behold, I have refined you,

But not for money;

I have chosen you

In the furnace of affliction.

11It is for my sake, it is for my sake,

That I will act,

For how could that be profaned?

And I shall not give my glory to another.

12Hear me, Jacob,

And Israel, my called out people:

I am he.

I am the first;

I am also the last.

13Indeed, my hand founded the earth,

And my right hand spread the heavens out.

I call out to them,

And they take up position together.

14Gather together, all of you, and hear.

Who among them has told of these things?

The Lord loved him;

He will do his will in Babylon,

With his arm among the Chaldeans.

15I, I have spoken,

And I have called him too;

I have brought him onto the scene,

And he will make his way prosperous.

16Come close to me and hear this:

From the start I have not spoken in secret.

From the start of time

There I have been.”

And now my Lord the Lord has sent me,

With his spirit.

17This is what the Lord, your redeemer,

The holy one of Israel, says:

“I am the Lord your God,

Your teacher in how to be benefited,

Your guide in the way you should go.

18If only you had heeded my commandments!

Then your peace would have been like a river,

And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

19And your seed would have been like sand,

And the offspring of your loins like fine gravel.

Their name will not be cut off,

And they will not be destroyed before me.

20Go out of Babylon;

Flee from the Chaldeans with a jubilant voice.

Announce this, proclaim this,

Utter it as far as the end of the earth.

Say, ‘The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob.’

21They did not thirst

When he led them in desolate places;

He made water gush from a rock for them

When he split the rock

And the water flowed.

22There is no peace,

Says the Lord,

For the wicked.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 48: v.12 ↔ Revelation 22:13 ● v.20 ↔ Revelation 18:4.
