The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Isaiah Chapter 54

1“Be jubilant, you who are barren

And have not given birth.

Break out into jubilation,

And shout for joy,

You who have not been through labour,

For the sons of her who was desolate will be more

Than the sons of her who is married,

Says the Lord.

2Make a wide open space in your tent,

And let the curtains of your abodes be stretched.

Do not hold back;

Lengthen your guylines

And strengthen your pegs.

3For you will spread out to the right and to the left,

And your seed will dispossess nations,

And they will make desolate places habitable.

4Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed,

And you will not suffer ignominy,

For you will not come into disrepute,

And you will forget the shame of your youth,

And you will no longer remember

The reproach of your widowhood.

5For your husband is your maker

– The Lord of hosts is his name –

And your redeemer is the holy one of Israel.

He will be called

The God of all the earth.

6For the Lord has called you

As a woman who has been deserted,

And who is grieved in spirit,

And as a youthful wife

– For you were rejected,

Says your God.

7For a short while I left you,

But I will gather you

With great tender affection.

8In a surge of wrath

I hid my face from you for a while,

But I will have compassion on you

With age-abiding kindness,

Says your redeemer,

The Lord.

9For this is like Noah's waters to me,

About which I swore

That Noah's waters would no longer pass over the earth.

Likewise, I have sworn

Not to be angry with you

Nor to rebuke you.

10For the mountains will retreat,

And the hills will totter,

But my kindness will not retreat from you,

And my covenant of peace will not totter,

Says the Lord,

Who has mercy on you.

11Poor, tossed about,

And not comforted as you are,

I am about to set your stones,

In dark surround,

And I will give you foundations of sapphires.

12And I will make your windows of rubies,

And your gates of garnet,

And all your border

Of attractive gemstones.

13And all your sons will be the Lord's disciples,

And the peace of your sons

Will be great.

14You will be established in righteousness;

You will certainly be far from oppression,

For you will not fear,

And you will be far from terror,

For it will not come near you.

15Behold, no-one at all will dwell with you

Unless it is authorized by my sign;

He who has dwelt with you

Would attack you.

16Behold, I created the craftsman,

Who puffs on the coal fire

And produces an instrument for his work.

And I created the ruiner

To lay waste.

17No weapon produced against you will be successful,

And you will condemn every tongue which confronts you in law.

This is the inheritance of the Lord's servants,

Whose righteousness comes from me”,

Says the Lord.

Reference(s) in Chapter 54: v.1 ↔ Galatians 4:27 ● v.13 ↔ John 6:45.
