The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Isaiah Chapter 55

1“Hey, everyone who is thirsty,

Come to the water,

Including him who has no money.

Come and buy something, and eat,

And come and buy wine and milk,

Without money and without a price.

2Why do you weigh out money

For what is not bread,

And your hard-earned wealth

For what does not satisfy?

Listen carefully to me,

And eat what is good,

And let your being delight itself

In fatness.

3Incline your ears and come to me.

Listen, and let yourself live,

And I will make an age-abiding covenant for you

The faithful kindnesses of David.

4Behold, I have made him

A witness to the nations

– A leader and a commander

For the nations.

5Behold, you will call on a nation

Which you did not know,

And a nation which did not know you

Will run to you

For the sake of the Lord your God,

And for the holy one of Israel,

For he has adorned you.

6Seek the Lord

While he is to be found;

Call upon him

While he is near.

7Let the wicked abandon his way,

And the iniquitous man his designs,

And let him return to the Lord,

Who will show him mercy,

And to our God,

For he is very forward to forgive.

8For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

And your ways are not my ways,

Says the Lord.

9For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So my ways are higher than your ways,

And my thoughts than your thoughts.

10For as the rain and the snow fall from the heavens

And do not return there,

But saturate the land

And cause it to be fertile,

And give growth and yield seed for the sower,

And bread for him who eats,

11So my word which proceeds from my mouth is;

It will not return to me in vain,

But rather it will do what I have willed,

And it will be successful

Where I have sent it.

12For you will go out with joy,

And you will be led in peace;

The mountains and the hills will break out in jubilation before you,

And all the trees of the countryside

Will clap their hands.

13Instead of the thorn bush,

The cypress will come up;

Instead of the briar

The myrtle will come up,

And it will be for the Lord's fame,

As an age-abiding sign

Which will not be cut off.”

Reference(s) in Chapter 55: v.1 ↔ Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:17; John 7:38 ● v.3 ↔ Acts 13:34 ● v.10 ↔ 2 Corinthians 9:10.
