The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Ezekiel Chapter 41

1Then he brought me to the temple, and he measured the turrets as being six cubits in width on one side and six cubits in width on the other side, which was the width of the tent. 2And the width of the entrance was ten cubits, and the sides of the entrance were five cubits on one side and five cubits on the other side. And he measured its length: it was forty cubits, and its width was twenty cubits. 3And he went inside and measured the turret of the entrance: it was two cubits high. And the entrance was six cubits high, and the width of the entrance was seven cubits. 4And he measured its length: it was twenty cubits. And its width was twenty cubits in front of the temple. Then he said to me, “This is the holy of holies.” 5Then he measured the wall of the house: it was six cubits. And the width of the side-chamber was four cubits all around the house. 6And the side-chambers were arranged as side-chamber on side-chamber in three storeys, repeated thirty times. And they were recessed in the wall which was for the house, for the side-chambers all around to be as if gripped in, but they were not actually gripped in by the wall of the house. 7And the edifice of the side-chambers became wider and curved as it went up and up, for the edifice was arc-shaped as it went up and up and round and round the house, so that there was more width higher up, as one goes up from the ground floor to the top storey via the middle level. 8And I saw the height of the house all around. The foundations of the side-chambers were, as measured by a full rod, six cubits to the join. 9The thickness of the wall which was adjoined to the side-chamber on the outside was five cubits. And the remaining part of the structure of the side-chambers was what was inside the wall. 10And between the annexes was a gap of twenty cubits all around the structure. 11As for the entrance of the side-chamber to the remaining part, there was one entrance to the north and one entrance to the south. And the width of the remaining part was five cubits all around. 12And as for the building which was beside the passageway in the western corner, its width was seventy cubits, and the wall of the building was five cubits thick all around, and its length was ninety cubits. 13And he measured the house. Its length was one hundred cubits, and the passageway and the building and its walls were one hundred cubits in length. 14And the width of the sides of the house and the passageway to the east was one hundred cubits. 15Then he measured the length of the building beside the passageway which was behind it, and its colonnade on each side. It was one hundred cubits, and there was an inner temple, and there were the porticos of the court. 16And there were thresholds and shuttered windows and interior colonnades, all three of them going round about, opposite the main threshold. There was panelling in wood all around from the ground to the windows – but the windows were excepted – 17to above the entrance, and up to the inner house, and on the outside, and on every wall all around, on the inside and on the outside, according to their measurements. 18And it was fashioned with cherubim and palm tree motifs, and there was a palm tree between the cherubim, and each cherub had two faces. 19So there was the face of a man facing a palm tree on one side, and the face of a lion cub facing a palm tree on the other side. It was fashioned like this on the whole house all around. 20From the ground to above the entrance, cherubim and palm trees were fashioned, including on the wall of the temple. 21As for the temple, its doorpost was square, and as for the façade of the sanctuary, its appearance was similar. 22And there was an altar of wood, whose height was three cubits and whose length was two cubits, and whose corners and length and walls were of wood. And he said to me, “This is the table which stands before the Lord.” 23And there were two doors to the temple and to the sanctuary. 24And the doors had two leaves – two swinging leaves – two to one door and two leaves to the other. 25And the cherubim and the palm trees were fashioned on them – on the doors of the temple – like those fashioned on the walls. And there were wooden steps in front of the portico on the outside. 26And there were shuttered windows and palm tree motifs on each side, on the sides of the portico and on the sides of the house and the steps.