The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Ezekiel Chapter 42

1Then he led me out to the outer courtyard by the avenue in the direction of the north, and he brought me to the annex which was opposite the passageway and opposite the building to the north. 2At the head of a length of one hundred cubits was the north entrance, and the width was fifty cubits. 3Opposite the twenty cubits of the inner court, and opposite the tiled floor of the outer court, was a colonnade facing a colonnade, in three storeys. 4And in front of the annexes was a walkway ten cubits wide, leading to an inner way, a way one cubit wide. And their entrances were to the north. 5And the upper annexes were shorter, because the colonnades took space from them, making them shorter than the lowest storey, and than the middle storey of the building. 6For they were on the third storey, and they did not have pillars like the pillars of the courtyards, which is why they were indented with respect to the lower storey rooms and the middle storey rooms rising from the ground. 7And there was a wall which passed outside, opposite the annexes, through the outer court in front of the annexes. Its length was fifty cubits. 8For the length of the annexes which belonged to the outer court was fifty cubits, but in contrast those in front of the temple were one hundred cubits in length. 9And under these annexes was the entrance to the east as one comes to them from the outer court. 10And in the width of the wall of the court in the eastern direction in front of the passageway and in front of the building were annexes. 11And the avenue in front of them had the same appearance as the annexes which were in the avenue to the north. They had the same length and breadth, and at all their exits their designs and their entrances were the same. 12And like the entrances to the annexes which were on the southern avenue was the entrance at the head of the avenue, the avenue in front of the fence of the garden, and the avenue to the east, serving as ways in. 13Then he said to me, “The annexes of the north and the annexes of the south which are in front of the passageway are the holy annexes where the priests who come close to the Lord eat holy of holies. There they deposit the holy of holies and the meal-offering and the sin-offering and the guilt-offering, for the place is holy. 14When the priests go in, they shall not come straight out of the sanctuary to the outer court, for it is there that they shall deposit their clothes in which they serve, for the clothes are holy. They shall wear different clothes when they approach whatever is accessible to the people.” 15When he had finished the measurements of the inner house, he brought me out through the gate which faces east, and he measured it all around. 16He measured the eastern quarter with the measuring rod. It was five hundred rod-lengths by the measuring rod going around. 17He measured the northern quarter. It was five hundred rod-lengths by the measuring rod going around. 18He measured the southern quarter. It was five hundred rod-lengths by the measuring rod. 19He turned to the western quarter and measured five hundred rod-lengths by the measuring rod. 20He measured it at the four quarters. It had a wall all around. The length was five hundred rod-lengths, and the width was five hundred rod-lengths, to separate what is holy from what is profane.